KCC Red Plate Vehicles

Vehicle Eligibility

Please go to the Vicroads Website for vehicle eligibility requirements. 


Membership Preamble

Renewable by 1st of January Annually

Active Membership

Hold a Motorsport Australia License, compete in events, help at events, come to meetings, socialize, participate in Club Runs.

Pro-rata membership is available if joining after September for active members only. Please contact the membership secretary for the amount payable.


Red Plate Vehicle owners must have current membership at all times and supply current photos dated at the time of renewal to the Red Plate Vehicle Registrar.  

Please download and fill in the latest form:

Please also fill in the Red Plate Register Form:

Photos of your vehicles need to be dated and contain the following:

Mark Franzo is signing off on all renewals and should be contacted in relation to this procedure. 

Dated Photos and a signed copy of the membership form should be sent to kynetoncarclub.membership@gmail.com

Mobile: 0418 380 630