The easiest-to-use, most functional and flexible shopping-list application available for the iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch.

KwikSHOP brings the flexibility and powerful features of a KwikList to all of your shopping tasks.

iCloud Sync

Create your lists on your iPad and have them automatically sync'd to your iPhone or iPod for when you go shopping.

Shopping Mode

Enter 'shopping mode' for a list and have completed items automatically removed from the display.

Easily see only what items are left to get and the estimated cost.


Set a reminder for your list and never forget to do the shopping again!


Share your lists and items with WYSIWYG Email and Print.

  • Email

  • Air Print

If you can't do the shopping, you can still make sure that you get what's on your list.

List Configuration

Configure the content and behaviour of each list to meet your specific needs.

  • List Title

  • New Item Position

  • Show Coupon Field

  • Price Input

  • Auto Sort

Item Categories

Add, remove, rename, and re-order the set of categories for your items.

Arrange your item categories in an order that matches the way you navigate the store!

Filter by Category

Selectively filter your view of items based on their assigned category.

Use it to easily see what you need to get in the area of the store that you are currently in.

List Badge

Configure your list to show a 'badge' for all items, checked items, or unchecked items.

Item Input

Enter everything you need to know about what to get before you get it, and then enter the price when you get it.

Details Input

A free-form multi-line text field for each item in your list makes it easy to know exactly what you need to get; brand, colour, size; what you need to know!

Quick Select

Your frequently entered items are always just one touch away. Start typing and see them presented for super-fast input.

Similarly, your previously entered list names (store names, etc.) are remembered and presented for selection when creating a new list.

Price Input

Optionally input prices as you shop directly within your list. No need to access the item details so it's quick and easy.

Don't need to enter prices? Remove the price-input field by setting the 'Price Input' list-setting to 'OFF'.

App Configuration

Make it work how you need it to.

  • Rotation Control (enable it on your iPad but turn it off on the iPhone for when you go shopping)

  • Badging

  • Sound Effects

Item Reset

Shop for the same list of items over and over again? Easily mark all of your items as unchecked with a single touch for the next time around.

Export and Import

Easily export your list as a .kwiklist file for Backup purposes or for Import into the app on another device.