KWELA stands for "Kids With Energy Love Activity" KWELA Camp is an intensive therapeutic camp for children between 6 and 10 years of age. Camp attendees are children who are currently or have previously attended occupational therapy, speech therapy or psychology. KWELA camp is designed to teach camp attendees new skills and give them the opportunity to apply those skills during every day activities. 

                          Welcome to KWELA Camp

Join us for a morning of idea sharing and discussion to determine how KWELA Camp will be run in 2024. After a 5 year sabattical, KWELA camp will be revived in 2024. But, what has changed? Do we keep it a 5 day camp? Do we invite parents to join to add the family element? Do we keep it a sleep over camp? Is our target market still appropriate? You can help us decide. 

Join us in person in Somerset West (or online with prior arrangement) for a think tank discussion. Date: Saturday 6 April 2024. Time: 9.30 to 12h30. Email or whatsapp 082 2242871 for queries and to RSVP.


Here at KWELA we have been offering a week of therapeutic intervention in a holiday setting, over the past 20 years. The mere fact that we have grown so much has convinced us that we have a commodity that is very needed in the community. There are children that have come back year after year and their parents have viewed this experience as a valuable contribution to their sustained well being.


At KWELA we create a THERAPEUTIC COMMUNITY. This implies that there is a group of people assembled in an environment that represents the community outside, with all its demands, stresses, internal rules, social interactions, responsibilities, morals, discipline, etc. Although this is an artificially created environment, the literature supports that this is an effective growth situation.


Since its inception, we have realized that often the children who need KWELA most are not in a position to afford it financially. For that reason we have acquired sponsors in the community. This is greatly appreciated.


We celebrated our 20th Anniversary of KWELA Camp last year.  Caregivers comprise occupational therapists, occupational therapy students and senior school learners with an interest in pursuing the profession of OT. All of the caregivers receive thorough training in the concept of a therapeutic community. In addition extra training is afforded to those participants that are not so familiar with Sensory Integration theory and techniques. Some university students that attend KWELA, use this as parts of their training (elective placement) and we are very pleased with the feedback we are getting from the universities.


 In previous years, the children who participate in the camping experience were monitored for 24 hours per day during their stay at KWELA. However, we have decided to change KWELA camp a bit, by having the children only attend KWELA during the day and sleep over during the last evening. There are 4 formal sessions of occupational therapy presented to them each day, comprising life skills, sensory integration, perceptual motor play and creative participation.

In addition to this, there are supervised free play opportunities each day where leisure time activities are available. The evening programmes are more structured, i e. games evening, treasure hunts, concert, "stokbrood-braai", etc.


Management of the children depend to a large extent on behaviour modification principles. Children will be rewarded for desired behaviour by receiving a token. This practice is well recognized as a learning principle. Children can redeem their tokens at a daily tuck shop.


Meals at KWELA are well balanced, yet balanced and healthy. Mealtimes are regarded as a social event and during mealtimes a special hat is awarded to a KWELA kid who has excelled in some way. Fussy eaters are monitored and ability of using utensils observed. Campers are responsible for the cleaning up after meals (a token as reward, of course).


Bedtime during the last evening is supervised with bedtime stories, prayers (where appropriate) and settling of the children. Often this is the time of day when the greatest stress is experienced, and it is here that our skills are greatly challenged. During the years we have developed a few tricks that work well.


We always try to bring in a special treat for the children, i. e. drumming, puppet show, dancing, etc. This usually differs from year to year.


This year KWELA is held from Monday 10th January to Thursday 14th January 2022. If you and your child are interested, do not hesitate to apply!

Please note that we will be applying every possible safety measure in line with the national guidelines regarding Covid-19 and the prevention of the spread of this disease.