In English

Chamberchoir Gaudete! is a 25-year-old mixed choir from Riihimäki, Finland. The choir practises joyfully but goal-orientedly to achieve high musical standards. Nowadays the choir consists of about 30 singers from all ages.

The choir has been led and founded in 1995 by Master of Music Anneli Julén who is also

the conductor of the female choir Naiskuoro Timotei from Loppi and the Hämeenlinna Male Choir. Gaudete! has performed and competed both in Finland and abroad. Last competition was in the autumn 2013 in Malta, where the choir achieved gold level II.

Gaudete! also arranges at least two concerts every year and performs in various events and devine services in Riihimäki. 2015 is choir's 20th anniversary year and the choir celebrates this by arranging 2 concerts in the autumn 2015 and in the spring 2016.

Our repertoire consist of classical and ecclesiastical music together with modern and entertaining pieces. Gaudete!'s first album Aamuyö was recorded in November 2010.