C. W. Kung

Chung-Wei Kung (龔仲偉), PhD.

Associate Professor

Principal Investigator

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Department of Chemical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU)

1 University Road, Tainan City, Taiwan, 70101

Office: 93A15

Phone: (+886) 6-2757575-ext 62629 

Email: cwkung@mail.ncku.edu.tw


Ph. D., Chemical Engineering                                              

September 2011 – July 2015

National Taiwan University, Taiwan

B. S., Chemical Engineering                                                 

September 2007 – June 2011

National Taiwan University, Taiwan 

Professional Experience

Associate Professor                                                                 

August 2021now

Department of Chemical Engineering

National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

Assistant Professor                                                                 

August 2018 – July 2021

Department of Chemical Engineering

National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

Postdoctoral Researcher                                                    

September 2016 – July 2018

Department of Chemistry

Northwestern University, IL, U.S.A.

Visiting Scholar                                                                         

March 2013 – March 2014

Department of Chemistry

Northwestern University, IL, U.S.A.


            C. W. Kung was born in Zhonghe District in New Taipei City, Taiwan in 1989. After finishing his junior high school education in Zhonghe, he went to the Affiliated Senior High School of National Taiwan Normal University (HSNU), where he joined the guitar club and played drums in a rock band. He thereafter went to National Taiwan University (NTU) as an undergraduate student with the major in chemical engineering in 2007. He started the research work in Prof. Kuo-Chuan Ho’s group from March 2010 as an undergraduate student, with the research focus of nanostructural metal oxides and their electrochemical applications, and subsequently enrolled in the Ph.D. program in the same Department after earning his Bachelor's degree in 2011. From March 2013 to March 2014, he obtained the funding from the Graduate Students Study Abroad Program supported by National Science Council, Taiwan (known as MOST now) to join The Hupp Group in Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University, United States as a visiting scholar. During this period in Northwestern, besides enjoying the chilly weather in Evanston, he worked hard on the pioneering research in developing metal–organic framework (MOF) for electrochromic and electrocatalytic applications. After returning back to NTU in March 2014, he started to initiate the research projects about MOF in Prof. Kuo-Chuan Ho’s group. He worked on the applications of porphyrinic MOFs for electrochemical sensors during this period, and earned his Ph.D. degree in July 2015. He then started the compulsory military service in Taiwan for eleven months, including serving as the second lieutenant vice officer in an inspection office under coast guard administration for six months. After leaving the army in July 2016, he went back to Northwestern as a postdoctoral researcher from September 2016 and worked for Prof. Joseph T. Hupp and Prof. Omar K. Farha. During the postdoctoral period, his research focused on electrocatalytic CO2 reduction and the design of electrically conductive MOFs. He launched an independent research group in Department of Chemical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University in August 2018.



1.    “Yushan Young Fellow (玉山青年學者)” supported by Ministry of Education (MOE), Taiwan (2018-2023); 25 award recipients in all academic fields in Taiwan in 2018.

2.   Yushan Young Fellow (玉山青年學者)” supported by Ministry of Education (MOE), Taiwan (2023-2028); 31 award recipients in all academic fields in Taiwan in 2023.

3.    Ta-You Wu Memorial Award (吳大猷先生紀念獎)" awarded by National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, on behalf of the Chemical Engineering discipline (2022); 44 award recipients  in all academic fields in Taiwan in 2022.

4.    Lee Chang Yung Research Outstanding Young Professor Award (李長榮學術研究傑出青年教授獎)" of 2022, awarded by Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers.

5.    "Outstanding Reviewer" for Chemical Communications (2022).

6. "Outstanding Young Researcher Award (優秀青年研究獎)" of the Electrochemical Society of Taiwan (台灣電化學學會) (2023).

7. "Research excellent professor (成大工學院研究優良教師)" of college of engineering, NCKU (2024).

8.    "Teaching Excellence Awards" of the Department of Chemical Engineering, NCKU (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022).

9.   "Teaching Excellence Award" of NCKU (2023).

10.    "Young Investigator Award" of Taipei International Conference on Catalysis (TICC-2022), Taipei, Taiwan (2022).

11.    Stanford "World's Top 2% Scientists":

(1)  Rank 74747/190063 based on 2020 single-year impact, ranking 5th in our Department and 25th in NCKU (2021).

(2) Rank  72591/200410 based on 2021 single-year impact, ranking 4th in our Department and 23th in NCKU (2022).

12.    "First prize in the group of Chemical, Materials, and Resources Engineering (化材學群第一名)" in the young PI research paper competition hosted by College of Engineering in NCKU (成大工學院青年學者論文競賽, 2021).

13.    "Honorable Mention Award (佳作獎)" in the Innovative Research Findings Competition for Young Scholars (台綜大年輕學者創新研發成果選拔) of 2020, awarded by Taiwan Comprehensive University System (TCUS).

14.    Member of The Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society (2015) 中華民國斐陶斐榮譽學會104年榮譽會員

15.    “AIP Poster Award” of 2015 International Conference on Nanospace Materials, Taipei, Taiwan, June 23-25, 2015.

16.    “Young Scientist Award” of E-MRS 2014 Spring Meeting, Lille, France, May 26-30, 2014, in recognition of an outstanding paper contributed to the Symposium L “Chromogenic Materials and Devices”.

17.    “Student Award” of E-MRS 2012 Fall Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, September 17-21, 2012, supported by the Symposium H “Organized Nanostructures and Nano-objects: Fabrication, characterization and applications”.