
根本 宮美子

専修大学 経営学部



東三田 2-1-1 



        CV                                            Japanese・略歴・業績                        

専門: ジェンダー  社会学 経営


1991年-1992年 ジョージタウン大学

1994年3月      一橋大学 社会学部 卒業 (B.A.)

1996年3月         一橋大学大学院 経済研究科 修士課程修了(M.A.)

2004年5月     テキサス大学オースティン校 社会学研究科 博士課程修了(Ph.D.)


2005年8月-2012年5月     ウェスタンケンタッキー大学社会学部 助教授 

2009年12月-2010年12月 一橋大学大学院社会学研究科 日本学術振興会  欧米外国人特別研究員  

2012年8月-2014年3月       ウェスタンケンタッキー大学 社会学部 准教授

2014年4月-2017年3月           京都外国語大学 国際教養学科 教授

2018年4月-2020年10月         京都外国語大学 国際言語平和研究所 所長

2018年4月-2021年3月           京都外国語大学 国際貢献学部 グローバルスタディーズ学科 教授

2021年4月-                              専修大学 経営学部 教授


1996年    フルブライト奨学金

2000年 テキサス大学オースティン校 サマーフェローシップ

2003年 テキサス大学オースティン校 女性学ジェンダー研究科 博士論文賞 佳作  (Honorable Mention in Dissertation Award by Women’s and Gender Studies,  University of Texas at Austin)

2004年 アメリカ社会学会 人種、階級、ジェンダー部門 大学院生論文賞 佳作  (Honorable Mention in Graduate Student Paper Award Competition in Race, Gender and Class Section, American Sociological Association)

2006年 ウェスタンケンタッキー大学 ジュニア教員フェローシップ Junior Faculty Fellow  Scholarship

2007年 ウェスタンケンタッキー大学 レギュラー教員フェローシップ Regular Faculty Scholarship

2009年 ウェスタンケンタッキー大学 夏期リサーチフェローシップ Summer Faculty Scholarship

2009年 日本学術振興会 ポストドクトラルフェローシップ 欧米短期研究員

2010年 村田学術振興財団 研究助成金

2010年   安倍フェローシップファンドスカラー

2010年 野村財団 研究助成金

2010年 ウェスタンケンタッキー大学 研究活動助成金 Research and Creative Activities                       Program Award 2011年 日本経済研究センター奨励金

2011年     アジア研究学会 日本研究助成金 Japan Studies Grant, Northeast Asia Council,                       Association for Asian Studies

2013年 ウェスタンケンタッキー大学 研究助成金

2014年 科研費補助金(スタートアップ)日本学術振興会 (2016年まで)

2017年     科研費 基盤C 日本学術振興会 (2020年まで)

2018年    二十一世紀文化学術財団 (2020年まで)

2018年 日本証券奨学財団 (2020年まで)

2018年     Sociologist of the Month, December 2018 (with Miho Iwata), Current Sociology.(「今月の社会学者」Current Sociology

2020年    科研費 基盤C 日本学術振興会 (2022年まで)


著書・単著 (査読付)

Too Few Women at the Top: The Persistence of Inequality in Japan. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, ILR Press imprint, 2016.  (Why Gender Inequality Persists in Corporate Japan.”)

Racing Romance: Love, Power, and Desire Among Asian American/White Couples. Rutgers University Press, 2009.  


Kumiko Nemoto. "Varieties of Engagement: Japanese Corporate Leaders’ Strategic Relations with Foreign Shareholders and Institutional Change." Review of International Business and Strategy 34:3 (May 2024): 454-468.

Kumiko Nemoto. “Revisiting Japan’s Stakeholder-Based System and Foreign Ownership: IR Managers’ View of Foreign Shareholders in Corporate Governance Reform in Japanese Companies” Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society 23:3 (April 2023): 534-562.

Karen Shire and Kumiko Nemoto.  "The Origins and Transformations of Conservative Gender Regimes in Germany and Japan." Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society 27: 3 (August 2020): 432-448.

Kumiko Nemoto. “Global Production, Local Racialized Masculinities: Profit Pressure and Risk-Taking Acts in a Japanese Auto-Parts Company in the United States.” Men and Masculinities 23: 3-4 (August 2020): 476-498. 

Miho Iwata and Kumiko Nemoto. “Co-constituting Migrant Strangers and Foreigners: The Case of Japan.” Current Sociology 66:2 (March 2018): 303-319. 

Kumiko Nemoto, Makiko Fuwa, and Kuniko Ishiguro. “Never-Married Employed Men’s Gender Beliefs and Ambivalence Toward Matrimony in Japan.” Journal of Family Issues 34 (December 2013): 1673-1695.

Kumiko Nemoto. “Long Work Hours and the Corporate Gender Divide in Japan.” Gender, Work & Organization 20:5 (September 2013): 512–527.

Kumiko Nemoto. "When Culture Resists Progress: Masculine Organizational Culture and Its Impacts on the Vertical Segregation of Women in Japanese Companies." Work, Employment & Society 27:1 (February 2013): 153–169.

Kumiko Nemoto. “Sexual Harassment and Gendered Organizational Culture in Japanese firms.” Gender and Sexuality in the Workplace. Research in the Sociology of Work 20 (September 2010): 203–225.

Kumiko Nemoto. “Postponed Marriage: Exploring Women’s Views of Matrimony and Work in Japan.” Gender & Society 22: 2 (April 2008): 219–237.

Kumiko Nemoto. “Climbing the Hierarchy of Masculinity: Asian American Men’s Cross-Racial Competition for Intimacy with White Women.” Gender Issues 25: 2 (June 2008): 80–100.

Kumiko Nemoto. “Intimacy, Desire, and Construction of Self in Relationships between Asian American Women and White American Men.” Journal of Asian American Studies 9: 1 (February 2006): 27–54.


Kumiko Nemoto, “Closing the Gender Gap in Corporate Japan.” East Asia Forum. August 29 (2023). 

Kumiko Nemoto, “Reflection Modern Japan in the Imperial Succession.” East Asia Forum Quarterly 13:3 (September, 2021): 37-39.

根本宮美子「日本企業に女性リーダーが増えない理由」 “Why Aren’t There More Women Leaders in Corporate Japan?” East Asia Forum. May 14 (2021). 

根本宮美子「なぜ日本企業のジェンダー格差は縮小しないのか」ブログ寄稿・Kumiko Neomto Why Gender Inequality Persistsin Corporate Japan.” Work in Progress: Sociology on the Economy, Work and Inequality. October 3 (2017).

根本宮美子「東京都知事選と日本におけるガラスの天井」Gender & Society ブログ寄稿・Kumiko Nemoto. "Tokyo's First Female Governor and Japan's Glass Ceiling."Gender & Society Blog. October 26 (2016).

根本宮美子「未婚男性に見る幸福と日本の家族の変化」国際シンポジウム「家族、仕事、ウエルビーイングの国際比較」IGS Project Series 5 (2016): 15-24. Ochanomizu University. Tokyo, Japan.

Kumiko Nemoto. “Global Management and Employment Constraints in Japanese Firms in the United States.” Murata Science Foundation Annual Report 27 (2013): 628-634.

Kumiko Nemoto. “Race & Ethnicity in Japan,” in Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Society, edited by Richard T. Schaefer. 778–781. Sage Publications, 2008.

Tetsuro Kato, Keiko Kaizuma, and Kumiko Nemoto. “Changing Labor Market and Masculinity in Post Nation-State Japan (Post-kokumin kokka jidai ni okeru roudou sijyo no henyou to danseisei).” Jokyo (May–June 2007): 179–195.  


Yuko Onozaka and Kumiko Nemoto. “Digital Transformation, Leadership, and Gender Equality: Are They Related?” Adopting and Adapting Innovation in Japan’s Digital Transformation, edited by Anshuman Khare and William W. Baber. Springer, 2023.



Kumiko Nemoto. “Revisiting Comparative Frameworks and Gender Inequality in Japan.” Handbook  of Post-Western Sociology: From East Asia to Europe, edited by Laurence Roulleau-Berger, Li Peilin, Kim Seung-Kuk, and Shujiro Yazawa. Brill, 2023.

Kumiko Nemoto. “Why Women Won’t Wed.” Beyond the Gender Gap in Japan, edited by Gill Steel. The University of Michigan Press, 2019.

Kumiko Nemoto. “Economic Shifts, Consumption of Sex, and Compensatory Masculinity in Japan.” Unmasking Masculinities: Men and Society, edited by Edward Morris and Freeden Oeur. Sage Publications, 2017.

Kumiko Nemoto. “Interracial Relationships: Discourses and Images" Race and Ethnicity in Society: The Changing Landscape (3rd edition), edited by Elizabeth Higginbotham and Margaret L. Andersen. Cengage Learning, 2012.

Kumiko Nemoto. 2011. “Interracial Romance: The Logic of Domination and Acceptance.” Introducing the New Sexuality Studies: Original Essays and Interviews (2nd edition), edited by Steven Seidman, Nancy Fisher, and Chet Meeks. Routledge.

Kumiko Nemoto. “Intimacy, Desire, and Construction of Self in Relationships between Asian American Women and White American Men.” American Families: A Multicultural Reader (2nd edition), edited by Stephanie Coontz. Routledge, 2008.


The New York Times. “A Show That Makes Young Japanese Pine for the ‘Inappropriate’ 1980s.” May 29, 2024.

Reuters. "Japan Airlines, Bankruptcy Helped Lay Groundwork For First Female Boss." January 31, 2024.

The New York Times. “A Woman Who Shows Age Is No Barrier to Talk Show Stardom.” January 19, 2024.

“Board Gender Diversity and Corporate Governance Reform in Japan.” 東京大学 日本研究センター. 2023年9月.

FairPlanet. “Japan: Why Workplace Sexism Remains Endemic.” October 9, 2022. 

“Globalizing Corporate Governance and Its Implications For Women Leaders in Japan.”     経営哲学学会 関東部会 2022年6月 早稲田大学

Bloomberg. “Despite Abe’s Push, Women Still Largely Absent From Japanese Boards,” July 22, 2022.

BBC World Service. Business Matters (on Shizo Abe’s womenomics policy). July 9, 2022. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w172ydpfq7btmb2

Insider. “Meet Princess Aiko, The Only Child of Japan’ Emperor Who Can’t Inherit His Title Because of Her Gender.” December 2, 2021.

CNN.Japan's Harry and Meghan? Not so much.” October 26, 2021.

The New York Times. “At Last, a Royal Wedding. But No Trumpets, Just a News Conference.” October 25, 2021.

Invited Speaker, “Institutional Barriers to Gender Equality and Corporate Change in Japan.” ANU Japan Institute Seminar Series. April 14, 2021.

The New York Times. “As Pandemic Took Hold, Suicide Rose Among Japanese Women.” February 22, 2021.

Invited Panelist, “Institutional Gender Barriers and Corporate Changes in Japan.” Speakers Series on the theme of Gender, Diversity and COVID19 Vulnerabilities at Embassy of Canada, Tokyo, Japan. October 29, 2020.

 Exame. “O ‘Suganomics’ vai conseguir concluir a obra inacabada de Shinzo Abe?”(Will "Suganomics" be able to complete Shinzo Abe's unfinished work?) October 8, 2020.

Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen, Austrian Public Radio (ORF), West German Radio. “Power Harassment – Japans Aufstand gegen das Mobbing von oben” (Power Harassment – Japan’s Uprising Against Bullying From Above.) March 28, 2020.

BBC News. “Japan’s Workplace Rethink ‘Drinking With the Boss.’” December 18, 2019.

The Washington Post. “The Women in Japan Were Told Not To Wear Glasses To Work. Their Response Has Been Fiery.” November 9, 2019.

BBC News. “Japan ‘Glasses Ban’ for Women at Work Sparks Backlash.” November 8, 2019.

Veja Magazine. “Japanese Government Launches Flirting App to Encourage Marriage.” November 1, 2019.

The New York Times. “Craving Freedom, Japan’s Women Opt Out of Marriage.” August 3, 2019.

The New York Times. “With Trump’s Visit to Japan, Empress Masako Finds a Spotlight.” May 27, 2019. 

The New York Times. “As a New Emperor ls Enthroned in Japan, His Wife Won’t Be Allowed to Watch.” April 29, 2019.

Bloomberg. “No More Happy Hour: Japan Bank Boss Takes Aim at Drinks Culture.” April 26, 2019.

NPR. Invisibilia. "A Very Offensive Rom-Com.”April 5, 2019.

20 Minutes. “#MeToo au Japon: Les Victims Peinent Toujours a  Faire Entendre Leur Voix (#MeToo in Japan: Victims Still Struggling to Make Their Voices Heard.)” April 4, 2019.

お茶の水大学 育児期親子のソーシャルメディア活用: 日本、韓国、米国、スウェーデンの国際比較のシンポジウム 「母親・父親の自己認識と家族の意味の再構築プロセス:アメリカにおけるフェイスブック利用の事例から」2019年2月2日

South China Morning Post. “South Korean Hit Novel About Young Mother Kim Ji-Young Strikes a Chord Among Women Across Asia.”  February 3, 2019.

Bloomberg. “Entertaining clients in hostess bars is still a thing in Asia.” January 17th, 2019.

Bloomberg. “Hostess clubs thrive in Japan.” January 17, 2019.

同志社大学「Beyond the Gender Gap in Japan シンポジウム」招待パネリスト “Why Women Won’t Wed.” Symposium: Beyond the Gender Gap in Japan. Doshisha University. 2019年1月18日.

ドイツ日本研究所 「働き方改革、ジェンダーギャップ、ワークライフバランスに関するワークショップ」招待パネリスト “Corporate Changes and Workplace Gender Division in Japan.” Work Style Reform, Gender Time Gap, Work-Life Balance, and Gender Equality in Japan and Germany. German Institute for Japanese Studies. 2018.年11月7日

お茶の水大学 グローバルリーダーシップ研究所 男女共同参画国際演習 招待講演 , “Too Few Women at the Top: Persistence of Inequality in Japan.” Ochanomizu University, Tokyo, Japan. 2018年5月25日

The New York Times, “Women barred from Sumo ring, even to save a man’s life.” April 5, 2018.

The Economist. “Flower power: Japanese women are working more, but few are getting ahead.” November 16, 2017.

テキサス大学サンアントニオ校東アジアインスティチュート 招待講演 “Too Few Women at the Top: Organizational and Institutional Obstacles against Gender Inequality in Japan.” East Asia Institute, University of Texas at San Antonio. 2017年9月7日

レイクランド大学 招待講演 “Too Few Women at the Top: Japan’s Progress Toward Gender Equality at Work.” Lakeland University Japan. 2017年7月13日

同志社大学スタンフォードセンター招待講演 “Too Few Women at the Top: The Persistence of Inequality in Japan.” The Stanford Japan Center, Doshisha University. 2017年5月16日

Quartz, “Japan’s office managers are experimenting with this radical new trend called “working from home.” April 3, 2017.

お茶の水大学 国際シンポジウム「家族、仕事、ウエルビーイングの国際比較」招待パネリスト 「未婚男性に見る幸福と日本の家族の変化」2016年6月9日

USA Today, “Japan looks for a few good women to revive economy.” January 15, 2014.

Associate Press, “Japan promises equality, but women find few jobs.” December 31, 2013. Picked up by many papers including ABC News, Washington Post, Mainichi Shinbun, Taipei Times, Telegraph Journal, Daily News, and HighBeam News.

Interviewed by Chritian Riou for the Radio-Canada.ca in Tokyo, Japan, July 2013.

Interview Requested by The C.O.W.S. Radio Show, July 2009.

Invited Talk, “Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women,” Japan University English Model United Nations. Kinki University, Osaka, Japan. June, 2015.

Invited Talk, “Long Work Hours and Gendered Consequences in Japanese Companies,” Center for Japanese Studies, University of California, Berkeley, November 2014.

Invited Talk, “Sex Discrimination Court Cases in Japan and the United States,” Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, Kyoto, Japan, November, 2014.

Invited Talk, “Lack of Aspirations or Deprived Opportunities? Slow Progress for Women in Management and Corporate Barriers in Japan,” Institute of Contemporary Asian Studies, Temple University, Japan Campus, Tokyo, Japan, December 2013.

Invited Talk, “Unbreakable Walls: Organizational Inertia, the Lack of High-Powered Women, and Sex Segregation in Japanese Companies.” Abe Brown Bag Lunch. Social Science Research Council, Tokyo, Japan, July 2013.

Invited Talk, “Gender Inequality in Labor Market.” Southern Japan Seminar, Florida International University, March 2011.

Invited Talk, “Racing Romance.” Center for Gender Research and Social Sciences. Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan, July 2010.

Invited Talk, Requested at Faculty of Letters of Hokkaido University, Japan, June 2009 (declined).

Invited Talks, “Late Marriage and Non-Marriage in Japan.” Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan, June 2006.


Editorial Board Member, Contemporary Sociology, 2020-2023.

Parliamentarian, Sociologists for Women in Society. 2020-2021.

Regional Representative for Asia, RC32. International Sociological Association. 2019-2020.

Cheryl Allyn Miller Student Paper Award Committee. Sociologists for Women in Society (SWS). 2018. 2019.

Section Presider. Section on Sex and Gender Roundtable Session on “Non-traditional Contexts.” American Sociological Association annual meeting, Montreal, August 2017.

Invited Participant, U.S. Embassy Alumni Leadership for Women’s Empowerment, Tokyo, Japan. April, May, June, July, August, 2015.

Editorial Board Member, Gender & Society, 2011–2014.

Discrimination Committee. Sociologists for Women in Society (SWS). 2013–2014.

The Local Arrangement Committee (for the winter meeting), Sociologists for Women in Society (SWS). 2013–2014.

Session Organizer (with Shobha Hama Gurung). Section Session on “Gender and Work in Global Context.” International Sociological Association annual meeting, Yokohama, July 2014.

Section Presider. Roundtable Session on “Global Labor Markets.” American Sociological Association annual meeting, New York, August 2013.

Best Paper Award Committee. Section on Race, Gender, and Class. American Sociological Association annual meeting, 2012–2013.

Panel Discussant. Roundtable Session on “Immigration and International Studies.” Sociologists for Women in Society summer meeting and Association of Black Sociologists annual meeting. Denver, August 2012.

Reviewer, Advanced Social Science Research on Japan Panel, National Endowment for the Humanities. Washington, D.C., August 2011.

Section Presider. Roundtable Session on “Gender and Work.” American Sociological Association annual meeting, Boston, August 2011.

Graduate Student Paper Award Committee. Section on Race, Gender, and Class. American Sociological Association annual meeting, 2010–2011.

Section Presider. Section on Sex and Gender Roundtable Session.  American Sociological Association annual meeting, Las Vegas, August 2011.

Nomination Committee. Section on Sex and Gender. American Sociological Association annual meeting, 2009–2010.

Book Award Committee. Section on Sex and Gender. American Sociological Association annual meeting, 2009–2010.

Session Organizer (with Karen D. Pyke). Section Session on “Masculinity: Race, Gender and Class Intersections.” American Sociological Association annual meeting, San Francisco, August 2009.

Graduate Student Paper Award Committee. Section on Race, Gender, and Class. American Sociological Association annual meeting, 2008–2009.

Program Committee. Section on Race, Gender, and Class. American Sociological Association annual meeting, 2007–2008.

Section Presider. Roundtable Session on “Sexuality: Negotiating Practices and Identities.” American Sociological Association annual meeting, Boston, August 2008.

Section Chair. Roundtable Session on “Men & Family Involvement.” American Sociological Association annual meeting, Boston, August 2008.

Book Award Committee. Section on Race, Gender, and Class. American Sociological Association annual meeting, 2006–2007.

Session Organizer (with Katrina Bell McDonald). Section Session on “Navigating the Rough Terrains of Marriage: Race, Gender and Class Intersections.” American Sociological Association annual meeting, New York, August 2007.

Panel Discussant. “Youth/Women and Children.” Anthropologists and Sociologists of Kentucky annual meeting, Bowling Green, October 2005.

Conference Volunteer. Sociologists for Women in Society Winter Meeting, Austin, February 1999.

Japanese translator of the State of the Union. Published by Mainichi Shinbun Press, Tokyo, Japan, 1995, 1996.

ジャーナル/ 財団フェローシップ 査読レフェリー

American Journal of Sociology; AGLOS: Journal of Area-Based Global Studies; British Journal of Political Science; Contexts; Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology: Gender & Society: Gender, Work & Organization; Journal of Asian American Studies; Journal of Family Issues; Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies; Social Science Quarterly; Social Science Research; Sociological Forum; The Asia Pacific Journal: Japan Focus; The Journal of Intercultural Studies; The Sociological Quarterly; Women’s Studies International Forum; Scandinavian Journal of Management; Journal of Marriage and Family;

 National Endowment for the Humanities; Israel Science Foundation; The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHR)


Kumiko Nemoto. “Gendered Career Mobility and Women Managers in Foreign Firms in Japan.” Sociologists for Women in Society annual winter meeting San Diego, January, 2019.

Kumiko Nemoto. “Managing Up: Career Navigation of Women with MBAs and Consulting Experience in Japan.” American Sociological Association annual meeting. New York, August, 2019.

Kumiko Nemoto. “Profit-Making Pressure and Workers’ and Managers’ Masculinities in a Global Auto-Parts Company in the United States.” American Sociological Association annual meeting. Montreal, August, 2017.

Kumiko Nemoto. “Long Work Hours and Gendered Consequences in Japanese Companies.” Association for Asian Studies annual meeting. Seoul, June, 2017.

Kumiko Nemoto. "Economic Shifts, Institutional Change, and Compensatory Masculinity in Japan." American Sociological Association annual meeting, Seattle, August 2016.

Karen Pyke and Kumiko Nemoto. "Consuming the Racial Other: White Women's Heterosexual Desire on a Majority Racial Campus." Pacific Sociological Association annual meeting, Oakland, April 2016.

Kumiko Nemoto. “Adaptation and Competition: Worker/Management Dynamics in a Japanese Auto Parts Company in the United States.” American Sociological Association annual meeting, Chicago, August 2015.

Kumiko Nemoto. “Revisiting Organizational Frameworks: Modernity, Sex Segregation, and Organizational Inertia in Japanese Firms.” American Sociological Association annual meeting, New York, August 2013.

Kumiko Nemoto. “Reinforcing Gender Stereotypes in the Workplace: The Influence of Women’s Status and Organizational Cultural Customs.” Sociologists for Women in Society annual winter meeting, New Mexico, February 2013.

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