Obstacle Traversal Dataset 2017
This dataset was created in laboratories of the Czech Technical University in Prague, in outdoor areas near Prague and in an industrial training plant RDM in Rotterdam. Sensor data are recorded using Robot Operating System (ROS, version Indigo) as a bag file.
There are several ROS topics recorded: laser scanner, odometry, IMU, force sensors in track flippers and many more. In order to keep bag files reasonably large, most of the experiments do not contain camera images. However, 3D laser scans give a good idea about each particular experiment.
Geometry of the robot is stored in /tf topic together with the basic 6-DOF odometry - transformation from the /odom (odometry) frame to the /base_link (Body or Robot) frame. It was evaluated on-board during the experiments. Most of indoor experiments contain position reference provided by a 3D tracker using the HTC Vive virtual reality headset system (link). This reference is expressed as a transformation from the /world frame to the /base_link_htc_tracked frame. This transformation is disconnected from the from the robot transformation tree because of limitation laid by the TF framework. The tracker is calibrated in order to align the /base_link_htc_tracked and the /base_link frames.
The dataset is organized by the type of tested motion or environment. Each folder contains a text file with rosbag info that lists contents of all the bag files in the folder, their size and length:
- Traversing a single pallet, short experiments
- a single pallet is passed several times, these experiments were the initial ones intended to test feasibility of the odometry models
- 3D reference
- bag files: http://ptak.felk.cvut.cz/tradr/datasets/obstacle_traversal_2017/20170214_single_pallet/
- Climbing short inclined ramp
- short wooden ramp followed by a stack of two pallets
- climbing up, turning, descending down or continuing and descending the pallet step
- 3D reference
- bag files: http://ptak.felk.cvut.cz/tradr/datasets/obstacle_traversal_2017/20170406_inclined_ramp_short/
- Climbing long inclined ramp
- long wooden ramp followed by a stack of two pallets
- climbing up, descending down, turning on the ramp etc.
- 3D reference
- bag files: http://ptak.felk.cvut.cz/tradr/datasets/obstacle_traversal_2017/20170407_inclined_ramp_long/
- Traversing a single pallet in a straight line
- contrary to the first set of single-pallet passes, robot driven straight forward across a pallet
- three heights, various flipper angles
- 3D reference
- bag files: http://ptak.felk.cvut.cz/tradr/datasets/obstacle_traversal_2017/20170524_single_passes_over_a_pallet/
- Test indoor experiments
- various configurations, approach angles tested
- 3D reference
- bag files: http://ptak.felk.cvut.cz/tradr/datasets/obstacle_traversal_2017/20170412_test_experiments_indoors/
- Short indoor staircase
- climbing and descending 1.95 m and 0.89 m high staircase segments
- bag files: http://ptak.felk.cvut.cz/tradr/datasets/obstacle_traversal_2017/20170619_short_indoor_staircases/
- Long indoor staircase
- two indoor staircases (cca. 5 and 8 m high)
- bag files: http://ptak.felk.cvut.cz/tradr/datasets/obstacle_traversal_2017/20170713_long_indoor_staircases/
- Three steps structure
- pallets stacked to form three steps
- 3D reference
- bag files: http://ptak.felk.cvut.cz/tradr/datasets/obstacle_traversal_2017/20170719_climbing_steps_made_of_pallets/
- Long trajectories over pallets, indoors
- multiple passes over pallets in circle forming an "obstacle course" during each run
- 3D reference
- bag files: http://ptak.felk.cvut.cz/tradr/datasets/obstacle_traversal_2017/20170720_circles_over_three_pallets/
- Outdoor long stairway
- stairway located here: https://en.mapy.cz/s/2j59P
- height cca. 16 m
- the runs are with and without a robotic arm attached to the robot
- file "ugv_2017-08-03-13-23-56.bag" contains omni-camera video stream (and thus it is quite large)
- bag files: http://ptak.felk.cvut.cz/tradr/datasets/obstacle_traversal_2017/20170803_outdoor_staircase/
- Rotterdam training plant
- recorded at the RDM Training Plant
- the runs contain overcoming obstacles, climbing and descending concrete steps
- bag files: http://ptak.felk.cvut.cz/tradr/datasets/obstacle_traversal_2017/20171115_rotterdam_training_site/
Link to the whole dataset: http://ptak.felk.cvut.cz/tradr/datasets/obstacle_traversal_2017/