
Here are some readings.

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Howard A. Barnes: A Handbook of Elementary Rheology (Textbook, PDF)

Barnes, Hutton, Walters: An introduction to Rheology (Textbook, PDF)

Motyke: An Introduction to Rheology with an Emphasis on Application to Dispersions (Paper, PDF)

Ancey: Introduction to Fluid Rheology (Notebook, PDF)

Introduction to Rheology - Basics (Rheotec, PDF)

Rheology. Definition of viscosity. Non-Newtonian behaviour (Slides, PDF)

Evan Mitsoulis: Flows Of Viscoplastic Materials: Models And Computations (PDF)


It's the Rheo Thing: The Rheology of Santa Claus

Pitch drop experiment (Wikipedia)

The pitch drop experiment - University of Queensland

Why Academics Stink at Writing

Do boring speakers really talk for longer?, Nature, 2018-09-28

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