Globalize your Delphi applications without troubles

Downloads for the Kryvich's Delphi Localizer

The latest public version of the Kryvich's Delphi Localizer can be download here:


Previous releases are available on this page:

Kryvich's Delphi Localizer 4.1 (January 7, 2012)

KDL 4.1 designed for Delphi Win32 editions with Unicode support. It is tested with Delphi XE2. If you need a localizer for an earlier Delphi version, please use KDL 4.0 or 3.2.

Kryvich's Delphi Localizer 4.0 (March 23, 2011)

KDL 4.0 is for Delphi 2009 - XE. If you need a localizer for a non-Unicode Delphi version, please use KDL 3.2.

Kryvich's Delphi Localizer 3.2 (April 29, 2008)

KDL 3.2 is a last version of KDL for Delphi without Unicode support. It is Delphi 5, 6, 7, 2005, 2006, Turbo Delphi, 2007.

[+] Extensions to TFreeLocalizer suggested by Andre:

  • Ignore entries in units JclResources and JConsts.

  • Added error processing mode epDebug (Use DebugOutputString)

  • Added error processing mode epErrors (All messages into a string list)

  • Added typed exceptions for errors (So one can exclude them in the debugger) and use them in TranslateProp method.

[-] Codepage parameter in .lng not supported anymore. Always use UTF-8 (65001) codepage for .lng files.

[+] TFuncReplacement now can substitute a function if the project is compiled with runtime packages (from Utf8Vcl library, suggested by Vitaly Phylon).

[+] the .dll library and the .bpl package added to the demo application to demonstrate using of the localizer inside attached libraries.

Improvements to the kdlscan and lngupdate utilities:

[+] Now the kdlscan utility can process .exe, .dll and .bpl files compiled with Delphi.

[*] SkipComponents command in kdlscan.ini renamed to SkipClasses for more consistency.

[+] Now it's possibe to use wildcards with '*' and '?' characters to filter properties, components and units in SkipNames, SkipClasses and SkipUnits commands.

For ex. add '*FieldName' to SkipNames to skip all properties like DataBinding.FieldName, SendFieldName, etc. Add 'Jv*' to SkipUnits to skip resourcestrings in most of JVCL units.

[+] Added SkipObjects command to kdlscan.ini. It allows to filter objects with specified names. Wildcars are possible. All objects without names are skipped by default.

For ex. add 'pnl*' to SkipObjects to skip all objects like pnlLeft, pnlTop etc.

[*] The search order for the kdlscan.ini is changed, so one can use different ini-files for different projects. If there is no the kdlscan.ini file in a folder with the input file then the K.D.L. scanner reads parameters from the default kdlscan.ini.

[+] Sometimes it's important to distinguish #13 and #13#10 dividers in resource strings and form properties. Therefore the HumanizeDivider command replaced with two commands: HumanizedCR for #13 and HumanizedCRLF for #13#10. Now HumanizeDivider is obsolete but retained for backward compatibility.

If HumanizedCR = HumanizedCRLF then #13 will be used for form properties and #13#10 will be used for the [ResourceStrings] section.

For ex. let Humanize=1, HumanizedCR=\^ and HumanizedCRLF=\^. Then:

pnlTop.lblInfo=Important\^information --> 'Important'#13'information'

rsResString=Important\^information --> 'Important'#13#10'information'

K.D.L. 3.2 supports Delphi 5/6/7, Delphi 2006/2007 & Turbo Delphi (Explorer and Professional). It works in Win32 VCL projects only (.NET not supported).


Kryvich's Delphi Localizer 3.1 (August 23, 2007)

[+] Due to many requests, now the localizer can be compiled both in Delphi 5 and in Delphi 6. See "Demo D5" folder for the Delphi 5/6 demo application.

I recommend Delphi 5/6/7 programmers to think about transition to Delphi 2007 for Win32 - it's a robust and handy tool. Though I think Delphi 2006 & Turbo Delphi users can wait for the Tiburon (Delphi 2008) with full Unicode support (see Delphi Roadmap).

Kryvich's Delphi Localizer 3.0 (Jule 9, 2007)

[+] The String Version Control System (SVCS) was introduced. It helps to track modifications in your language files.

[*] Due to SVCS now all modified string resources can be marked with "(!)" sign (as well as new strings in previous KDL versions), and obsolete strings can be marked with the (x) sign (as well as deleted strings).

[-] Codepage parameter was removed from kdlscan.ini file. Further we assume, that kdlscan.ini will be encoded in UTF-8 only (Codepage=65001).

Kryvich's Delphi Localizer 2.2 (May 29, 2007)

[*] KDL utilities (Scanner and Lng Updater) have been updated.

[*] Now SkipComponents parameter in kdlscan.ini can contain any components, not just TForm and TDataModule descendants.

[*] Parameter SkipNames in kdlscan.ini file is added by new properties which usually are not localized (essentially database related string properties).

Kryvich's Delphi Localizer 2.1 (May 19, 2007)

[+] Added globalization for inherited forms. Now controls placed on the Form1 could be translated if Form1 has been inherited from another Form2. I.e. TForm1 = class(TForm2), TForm2 = class(TForm).

[*] kdlscan.ini: append SkipNames list with Font.Name and SQL.Strings. These properties usually isn't localizable. You can edit SkipNames list yourself if you wish.

[-] Fixed: The K.D.L. scanner couldn't work if kdlscan.ini file contained the Unicode signature (EF BB BF) in the beginning.

Kryvich's Delphi Localizer 2.0 beta (April 03, 2007)

Added support for UTF-8 Unicode strings. Now K.D.L. can work in a conjunction with UTF8VCL library to bring the Unicode into your VCL applications.

Kryvich's Delphi Localizer 1.7 (February 22, 2007)

K.D.L. 1.7 preserves rightmost spaces in strings.

Kryvich's Delphi Localizer 1.6 (September 18, 2006)

Fixed "Invalid stream format" error in K.D.L. Scanner utility.

Kryvich's Delphi Localizer 1.5 (July 6, 2006)

Added support for third-party components, which override default .dfm file saving behavior.

Kryvich's Delphi Localizer 1.4 (July 4, 2006)

Added globalization for frames included in Delphi forms.

Kryvich's Delphi Localizer 1.3 (July 3, 2006)

Kryvich's Delphi Localizer 1.2 (June 15, 2006)

Kryvich's Delphi Localizer 1.1 (May 29, 2006)

Kryvich's Delphi Localizer 1.0 (May 26, 2006)

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