

- Columbia Law and Economics Working Paper Series No. 312 

- Harvard Law and Economics Discussion Paper No. 14-2007

- translated into Portuguese  as: A Divergência Transatlântica no pensamento jurídico: o direito e economia norte-americano vs o doutrinalismo alemão, in: Bruno Meyerhof Salama (ed.), Direito e Economia: textos escolhidos (Law and Economics: Selected Articles, Saraiva Press 2010) p. 325-394 (translated by G. Sampaio de Abreu Ribeiro)

- translated into Russian as: Трансатлантические различия в правовой мысли: американский экономический анализ права против немецкого доктринализма (Transatlanticheskie razlichiya v pravovoy mysli: amerikanskiy ekonomicheskiy analiz prava protiv nemetskogo doktrinalizma), Vestnik Grazhdankskogo Prava 2010, p. 207-276 (translated by E. S. Chilikov and I. S. Chuprunov)

- translated into Chinese in: Overseas Chinese Law Review 2009, p. 277-330 (translated by Hang Xu)

- translated into Iranian as : تفاوت تفکرحقوقی در دو سوی آتلانتیک (ISBN: 978-600-475-055-4, translator Mashaallah Niasari, 2019).

- German Version (RabelsZ 2008, see below)

- reprint: Padmavathi (ed.), Corporate Management: Shareholder Rights (Icfai Press 2010), p. 1-25.

Book chapters

Presentations (selected)

- 28th Annual Conference of the European Association for Law and Economics (EALE), Stockholm, 2012

- 23th Annual Meeting of the American Law and Economics Association (ALEA), Vanderbilt University, USA, 2013

- Cedex Seminar, Nottingham University, United Kingdom, 2013 (invited lecture)

- Law & Economics Seminar, Haifa University, Israel, 2013 (invited lecture)

- Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, 2013 (invited lecture)

- Conference on Behavioral and Experimental Legal Studies, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 2011  (invited lecture)

- ACLE Seminar, Amsterdam Center for Law and Economics, 2011 (invited lecture)

- 27th Annual Conference of the European Association for Law and Economics (EALE), Paris, 2010

- 20th Annual Meeting of the American Law and Economics Association (ALEA), Princeton University, 2010

- 4th Annual Conference on Empirical Legal Studies (CELS), California, 2009

- Symposium Commemorating the 90th Anniversary of the Austrian Consitution, at the Austrian Parliament, 2010 (invited lecture)

- World Wide Young Corporate Scholar Workshop, Columbia University, New York, USA, 2007

- 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association for Law and Economics (EALE), Madrid, Spain, 2006

- 25th Annual Conference of the European Association for Law and Economics (EALE), Haifa, 2008

- Public Lectures in Law and Economics, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, 2008 (invited lecture)


Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Empirical Legal Studies (JELS), Journal of Legal Studies (JLS), Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE), International Review of Law and Economics (IRLE), European Journal of Law and Economics (EJLE)



- Yale Law & Economics Research Paper No. 410 


Book chapters