About me

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I am an Associate Professor at the University of Groningen and the Program Director of the MSc Economics at the University of Groningen.  >> CV

As a micro development economist, my research focuses on i) financial markets and products in low-income countries, ii) incentives and norms in microfinance, and iii) gender-related constraints to labor productivity. I use both applied micro-econometric and experimental economics methods, such as randomized controlled trials, natural experiments, and lab-in-the-field experiments, and I usually collect primary data in low income countries.

Research Interests

Development Economics, Microfinance, Applied Microeconomics, Experimental and Behavioral Economics

Journal Articles

Czura, K., Menzel, A., Miotto, M. (2024). Improved Menstrual Health and the Workplace: An RCT withFemale Bangladeshi Garment Workers. Journal of Development Economics, 166 [link to journal website][working paper

Czura, K., Klonner, S. (2023). Financial Market Responses to a Natural Disaster: Evidence from Local Credit Networks and the Indian Ocean Tsunami. Journal of Development Economics, 160  [link] 

Czura, K., Englmaier, F., Ho, H., & Spantig, L. (2022). Microfinance loan officers before and during Covid-19: Evidence from India. World Development, 152, 105812 [link] [fai blog post][working paper]

Kemper, N., Czura, K., Schumacher, H. (2018). Unfair incentives: a behavioral note on sharecropping. Economics of Transition, 26 (2): 303-331 [link][working paper]

Czura, Kristina (2015). Pay, peek, punish? Repayment, information acquisition and punishment in a microcredit lab-in-the-field experiment. Journal of Development Economics, 117: 119 - 133 [link][working paper]

Working Papers

"Flexible Microcredit: Effects on Loan Repayment and Social Pressure" with Anett John and Lisa Spantig, CESifo Working Paper No. 8322 >>PDF

“Do flexible repayment schedules improve the impact of microcredits? Evidence from a randomized evaluation in rural India” >>PDF

... more research

Contact Information

University of Groningen

Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Economics, Econometrics and Finance

Nettelbosje 2, 9747 AE Groningen (visiting address)

P.O. Box 800, 9700 AV  Groningen

E-mail:  k.czura@rug.nl