Lab Group

Kathleen McKee

Postdoctoral Scholar,  Satellite and hydroacoustic remote sensing of submarine volcanoes

Liam Kelly 

PhD Student, Remote sensing of volcanic impacts on the near ocean and analog experiments of convection in magma chambers

Sarah Ward

PhD Student, Dynamics of pumice raft and textural controls on pumice floatation

Edgar Carrillo

PhD Student, Dynamics of water rich volcanic plumes

Nadia McGlynn

Undergraduate, Textural characteristics of basaltic pumice clasts

Former students and postdocs

Ashok Gupta, Postdoctoral Scholar (now postdoc UCLA)

Remote sensing of submarine volcanoes

Victoria Vuong, undergraduate student (now grad student at the University of Michigan in medicinal chemistry)

 Volcanic ash textures

Marina Qian, undergraduate student (now grad student at Stanford in electrical engineering)

Statistical analysis of ash populations and recognition of ash particles using machine learning