
Professor of International Economics

Chair of International Economics
Econ Group at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics
University of Passau

Email (permanent): Sebastian.Krautheim[at]alumni.eui.eu
Email (Passau): Sebastian.Krautheim[at]uni-passau.de


Ph.D. of the European University Institute, Florence, March 2009. Supervisor: Giancarlo Corsetti, thesis committee: Jonathan Eaton, Gianmarco Ottaviano and Morten Ravn.

September 2008 - October 2010: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the Paris School of Economics

November 2010 – March 2014: Assistant Professor (W1) of International Economics at Goethe University Frankfurt.

Since April 2014: Full Professor (W3) of International Economics at the University of Passau.

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