Constitution and By-Laws

Kent & Queen Anne's Volunteer Fire, EMS & Rescue Association

Kent & Queen Anne’s Volunteer Fire, EMS and Rescue Association

Kent County Queen Anne’s County

Betterton Vol. Fire Co., Inc. Church Hill Vol. Fire Co., Inc.

Chestertown Vol. Fire Co., Inc. Crumpton Vol. Fire Co., Inc.

Community Vol. Fire Co., of Millington Inc. Goodwill Fire Co., Inc.

Galena Vol. Fire Co., Inc. Grasonville Vol. Fire Dept., Inc.

Kennedyville Vol. Fire Co., Inc. Queen Anne/Hillsboro Vol. Fire Co. Inc.

Rock Hall Vol. Fire Co., Inc. Sudlersville Vol. Fire Co., Inc.

Kent and Queen Anne’s Rescue Squad Inc. United Communities Vol. Fire Co., Inc.

Constitution and By-Laws

Article 1 – Name

Section I. The name of this organization shall be “Kent and Queen Anne’s Volunteer Fire, EMS and Rescue Association.”

Article II- Object

Section I. To form a more perfect organization, establish harmony, insure prosperity and success, obtain and compile statistics concerning the practical working of the various systems and the merits of the various apparatus, cultivate fraternal fellowship among companies and promote the best interest of the volunteer Fire, EMS and Rescue personnel of Kent and Queen Anne’s County, Maryland.

Article III- Membership

Section I. any volunteer Fire, EMS, and Rescue company or department whose stations are located in Kent or Queen Anne’s Counties, have suitable equipment for handling of emergencies which comply with the provisions of this constitution and to the payment of the yearly dues, and who meet the minimum standards of the Maryland State Firemen’s Association, as set by Articles D, E, F, G and H of the By-Laws, may subscribe to membership.

Section II. The application of any volunteer, Fire, EMS or Rescue company for membership in the association shall be referred to the membership committee, which shall prior to action on the application obtain such information from the local county, or other sources, as may be necessary to determine whether the applicant is qualified for membership. A majority vote of the members of the Kent and Queen Anne’s Fire, EMS and Rescue Association shall be necessary for election to membership.

Section III. Members may be elected at any regular meeting of the association and shall pay a membership fee that is in effect at date of application.

Section IV. Applications for membership shall be made in writing to the association and the application shall be regarded as a guarantee on the part of the applicant of its interest in and sympathy with the purpose of the association and of its adherence, if elected to its By-Laws, and regulations. Election to membership shall require a majority vote of all members present.

Section V. Dues of this association shall be thirty dollars ($30.00) per year and shall be payable on or before the January meeting of each year, Notice of dues of this association will be mailed out by the Secretary along with the ballot for election of Officers in November.

Section VI. Member companies may be expelled for cause or for non-payment of dues or budget subscriptions within a reasonable time as fixed by the executive committee. No member company may be expelled without the opportunity of a hearing, upon receipt of a written request form the member company to the association President within 10 days. A majority vote of the Executive Committee shall be necessary to expel a member company.

Article IV- Meetings

Section I. Meetings shall be held monthly except the months of July and August, at time and place to be announced by the secretary.

    1. The April meeting will be designated as Past Presidents Nights

    2. The May meeting will be designated for a Memorial Service.

    3. The October meeting will be designated as Hall of Fame Night.

    4. The annual meeting in December will be designated as Elections of Officers.

      1. Section II. A special meeting of the members may be called at any time by the president or upon petition signed by not less than four (4) member companies.

      2. Section III. The annual meeting shall be held during the month of December. The newly elected officers shall be installed at the annual meeting in the month of December. The new officers will take office as the last order of business at the annual meeting.

      3. Section IV. At all meetings fifty (5o) percent of the member companies in good standing shall constitute a quorum. For the purpose of official voting, each member company shall be entitled to but one vote.

      4. Section V. Each (member) company of this association shall appoint one (1) delegate and one (1) alternate to act on matters pertaining to this association on behalf of their company. These two individuals shall be appointed by the member company on an annual basis and their names forwarded to the Secretary of this association by the January meeting of each year.

      5. Section VI. Order of Business

    • Meeting called to Order

    • Invocation

    • Pledge of Allegiance

    • Roll Call

    • Introduction of Guests

    • Reading of minutes of Previous Meeting

    • Treasurer’s Report

    • Payment of Bills

    • Communications

    • Report of Committees

    • Comments from Guests

    • Old or Unfinished Business

    • New Business

    • Good of the Association

    • Adjournment

    • Benediction

      • Article V. Officers

      • Section I. The officers of the Association shall consist of President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer who shall be elected and sworn in at the annual meeting in December of each year.

      • Section II. The President shall appoint a nomination committee of five (5) representatives, each from a different member company with both represented. The committee shall nominate officers from the membership of the association at the November meeting. Other nominations may be made by any member from the floor at the November meeting.

      • Section III. The Secretary shall mail to all member companies a list of the nominees with the notification of the December meeting.

      • Section IV. All voting shall be by ballot the nominee receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected to that office.

      • Section V. The President shall preside at all meetings, preform all the duties pertinent to the office, appoint all committees and be Ex Officio member of all committees except the nomination committee, at the annual meeting of the association and at such other times as may deem proper commend to the membership such matters as may tend to promote the prosperity and increase the usefulness of the association.

      • Section VI. The Vice President shall act in the absence of the President, in the absence of the President and Vice President, the Secretary shall call the meeting to order and have the assembled membership elect a President pro tem.

      • Section VII. The Secretary shall conduct the official correspondence and communication, preserve all books, documents and communication, maintain an accurate record of its proceedings and of its committees and preform such duties as may be pertinent to the office.

      • Section VIII. The Treasurer shall receive and disburse the funds of the association, keep all monies of the association deposited in its name, at each regular meeting and at the annual meeting makes reports to the membership concerning the affairs of the office. Shall preserve all books, documents and communication, keep books of accounts, maintain an accurate record of its proceedings and preform such duties as may be pertinent to the office. The Treasurer shall be bonded at a fixed amount as determined by the Executive Committee and paid for by the Association.

      • Section IX. The Chaplain shall preform the usual duties of the office and shall represent the association at special functions, deaths, injuries, accidents or sickness or in any way that will assist with the annual Memorial Service in May.

      • Section X. At the completion of their term of Office, all Officers will deliver all records, property, monies and other material that has been entrusted to their care, to their duly elected successor.

      • Article VI – Committees

      • Section I. The executive committee shall be composed of the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. In the interim between meetings of the association, the executive committee shall have charge of the routine business of the Association. It shall have authority to order disbursements for necessary routine expenses.

      • Section II. The President shall appoint all committees and Chaplain. The President at the December meeting shall appoint an auditing committee to audit the books of the association before the January meeting

      • Section III. Standing committees will consist of the following: By-Laws and Finance Committees. The duties of the By-Law committee will be to review and amend/add any changes as deemed necessary. All changes will be submitted to the President for review, prior of being submitted to the association for approval. The finance Committee Duty’s will be to conduct audits of all of the association’s finances, and ledgers.

      • Article VII - Disbursements

      • Section I. All disbursements shall be made by check. Checks shall be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by the President or Vice President.

      • Article VIII – Fiscal Year

      • Section I. The Fiscal Year shall end at the annual meeting.

      • Article IX – Parliamentary Procedure

      • Section I. The proceedings of the association shall be governed by and conducted in accordance with latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Orders.

      • Article X – Amendments

      • Article I. These By-Laws may be amended or altered by a two-thirds vote of those present at any regular or special meeting of this association, provided notice of the proposed change or addition shall have been mailed by the Secretary to each member company not less than thirty (30) days prior to the meeting.

      • (The above constitution and By-Laws were adopted by the Kent & Queen Anne’s Volunteer Firemen’s Association on June 10, 1961 and included amendments made therein up to September 10, 1971, September 12, 1975, June 12, 1981, November 9, 2001, December 8, 2006, and March 12, 2010.

      • Changes to Constitution & By-Laws

      • Of the

      • Kent and Queen Anne’s Volunteer Fire, EMS & Rescue Association

      • ARTICLE IV Meetings

      • Section I. Meetings shall be held Bi-Monthly, at a time and place to be announced by the Secretary.

      • (a) The annual meeting in January will be designated as the

      • Election of Officers

      • (b) The March meeting will be designed as Past President’s

      • Night

      • (c) The May meeting will be designated for a Memorial Service

      • (d) The July meeting will be designated as a Family Picnic Day

      • (e) The September meeting

      • (f) The November meeting will be designated as Hall of Fame Night

      • Section III The annual meeting shall be held during the month of January. The newly elected officers shall be installed at this meeting and will take their oath of office as the last order of business at the annual meeting.

      • ARTICLE V Officers

      • Section I The officers of this Association shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer who shall be elected and sworn in at the annual meeting in January of each year.

      • Section II The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee of five (5) representatives, each from a different member company with both counties represented. This committee shall nominate officers from the membership of the Association in good standing as of the September meeting and report their recommendations at the November meeting. Other nominations may be made by any member from the floor at the November meeting.

      • Section III. The Secretary shall mail to all member companies a list of the nominees with the notification of the January meeting.

      • ARTICLE VI Committees

      • Section II, The President shall appoint all Committees and a Chaplain. The President at the November meeting shall appoint an Auditing Committee to audit the books of the Association before the January meeting.

      • Changes to these By-Laws are shown in Italics and bold print 01-01-2017