
Kpop and plastic surgery are two co-cultures within the nation of Korea. Along the new century music industries have combined both co-cultures into one co-culture. Being a current trend right now we cannot come to a conclusion if Kpop idols are influencing Koreans to do surgery. Along the way we can understand the history of Kpop and culture of a society with modern and tradition customs are being used. Because being in a modern society Koreans still hold traditional values and can create a conflict with modern ways. We can state plastic surgery in Korea is the number one nation and Kpop is a globalized music trend. Also, seeing how the Korean wave has reached to its neighboring countries to image the Kpop idols or for their own personal reasons. In my personal claim it still requires a lot of data and time to gather to fully understand this developing phenomenon. Through this essay are able to see a clear inside by Koreans view on these concepts. We cannot judge the concept yet, with information that is provided by western media. It requires a great understanding of this country culture, history, and communication. Korea has given the world a gift of new genre of music and looking deeper there is more than just Kpop. Let’s us see where Kpop and plastic surgery will end up in the next generation.


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