Kozo Ueda (DPhil)

We always welcome contributors to our weekly seminars at Waseda University. If you (virtually) drop by Tokyo and are interested in seminar presentations and chatting with my colleagues, please contact me.

Current Position


School of Political Science and Economics,

Waseda University

Other Affiliations/Services

Research Associates, Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis (CAMA), Australian National University, 2013 - present

Senior Research Fellow, Canon Institute for Global Studies, 2017 - present

Associate Editor, Economic Modelling, 2020 - present

Associate Editor, Japan and the World Economy, 2016 - present

Work Experience

School of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University, 2013 - present

Bank of Japan, 1999 - 2013



School of Political Science and Economics,

Waseda University

1-6-1 Nishiwaseda Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-8050, JAPAN


DPhil (Economics), University of Oxford, 2006

MPhil (Economics), University of Oxford, 2004

M.S. (Physics), University of Tokyo, 1999

B.S. (Physics), University of Tokyo, 1997

Referee Service

EJ, JEEA, JME, JIE, JMCB, JEDC, RED, JBES, J of Emetrics, MD, JBF, Econ Letters, J of Macro, JJIE, JWE, JER, etc.