
1) Asymptotic behavior of positive harmonic functions in certain unbounded domains (Potential Analysis, Vol 41, Issue 2, (2014), 383-405)  PDF.

2) (with E. Lundberg) Electrostatic skeletons (Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math, Vol 40, (2015), 397-401) PDF

3) (with I. Pritsker) Equidistribution of Zeros of Random Polynomials (Journal of Approximation theory, Vol 215, (2017), 106-117)  PDF

4) (with E. Lundberg) The arclength and topology of a random lemniscate (Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Vol. 96, Issue 3, (2017) 621-641) PDF

5) (with A.-K. Gallagher and J. Lebl) Convexity of level lines of Martin functions and applications (Analysis and Mathematical Physics, online first, (2018), DOI : 10.1007/s13324-017-0207-3) PDF

6) (with S. Athreya) Harnack inequality for non-local Schrodinger operators (Potential Analysis, Vol 48, Issue 4, (2018), 515-551) PDF

7) (with I. Pritsker) Natural boundary and zero distribution of random polynomials in smooth domains (Comput. Methods. Funct. Theory, Vol. 19, Issue 3, (2019), 401-410) PDF

8) (with I. Pritsker) Random Bernstein-Markov factors (J. Math. Anal. Appl, (2019),  Vol 473, Issue 1, 468-478) PDF

9) (with A.-K. Gallagher and J. Lebl) The closed range property for the d-bar operator on planar domains (J. Geom. Anal. 31, (2021), no.2, 1646-1670) PDF

10) (with E. Lundberg) A note on the critical points of the localization landscape (Complex Anal. Synerg. 7, (2021), ) PDF

11) (with R. Pal and S. Ravisankar) Conformal rigidity of polar set complements PDF

12) (with M. Krishnapur and E. Lundberg) Inradius of random lemniscates (accepted, Journal of Approximation Theory) PDF

13) (with S. Ghosh) Number of components of polynomial lemniscates: a problem of Erdos, Herzog and Piranian (accepted, J. Math. Anal. Appl.) (PDF)