Xavier de Condappa

Around the year 1925 Puduvai Xavier de Condappa writes about one of his ancestors : "Kampal Naïdu from Kottapalayam who was a Hindu by religion embraced the catholic faith, converted by Saint Francis Xavier in 1545, according to the First Register of Baptism of the church of Kottapalayam, Mettur Post via Thuraiyur, Tiruchirappalli District". (Source : Kampal Naïdu Family Tree)

[Obs : Does this Baptism certificate exists in this Church? I doubt 500 years later. But why is Xavier de Condappa saying that the Family of Kampal Naidu were converted by the Saint Francis Xavier in 1545? Was this information given personally by A. Ponnusami Naidu? and convinced Xavier de Condappa about this historical fact.]

Xavier de Condappa : "Kampal Naïdu from Kottapalayam converted by Saint Francis Xavier in 1545"

Saint Francis Xavier

The first Roman Catholic mission to South India was that led by St. Francis Xavier, who came from Portugal to Goa in 1542 and preached the Gospel in several of the southern districts.

The Foreign Religious Orders (MEP) note in their book, that the Kampal Naidu Family (Valavikara Vadugar)1 left Madurai and went into exile to Uppuliyapuram and they were later baptised at Prattacudy in the Second half of the 17th Century. And then the Family of Kampal Naidu were the first to settle in Kottapalayam. They built there the first Church made of a thatched roof.

But A. Ponnusami Naidu, the Head Master of R.C. School Kottapalayam, disagrees and says that the baptism of the family members of Kampal Naidu took place in the town called Vidukar Pettai at the end of the 16th Century.

The French Missionaries say that Vidukar Pettai Foundation to Christianity is one of the oldest Catholic missions, started from the first half or even from the beginning of the 17th Century. They also say that Prattacudy where a Catholic station was established at the beginning of the 17th Century. (Source MEP ; Adrien Launay; I.IX; I.XI)

[Obs : May be the reason Xavier de Condappa has come to a conclusion that Kampal Naidu was converted by the Saint Françis Xavier in 1545?]

[Obs : (1) Valavikara Vadugar : "Valayal Vikarai Vadugar", Bangle Seller who came from the North (Telugu Naidu; Kavarai / Balija caste). In Madurai even Today, a street called Valavikara street exists, "Valavikara Theru" : Lord Shiva came disguised as a bangle seller and relieved the bangle traders of a curse. (Source : The Hindu) ]

Main Alter / Gift of Xavier de Condappa
Side Alter / Gift of Paul de Condappa

Xavier de Condappa / Main Alter

Gift of The Main Altar by Xavier de Condappa (Mary Magdalene Church – Kottapalayam)

In September 1928 the people from Kottapalayam approached Xavier for a donation towards the upkeep of the Church in Kottapalayam. They informed that with limited finance they built the main altar but more work needs to be done. Xavier told them that only after he has visited the place will he be able to help them in a generous way. The visitors from Kottapalayam understood that the parole of Xavier carried a lot of weight. A happy Xavier visited Kottapalayam, saw the altar and stood there awe struck. Xavier financed the refurbishment of the main altar and also adorned it with new novel golden ornaments (1929). Xavier went to see his ruby merchant grandfather Mutthu Naidu’s place where the grandmother Mutthammal lived. Her sister Saravammal showed the house of Mutthammal.(Page7)

Extract from the Book in Tamil Xavier de Condappa - Arokiamarie published in 1937.

Xavier de Condappa (1882- 1944) from Pondicherry and Arokiamarie née Mutthu Naïdou (1913 - 1984) from Kottapalayam.

Paul de Condappa / Side Alter

Paul de Condappa and Xavier de Condappa are brothers.

Gift of The side Altar by Paul de Condappa (Mary Magdalene Church – Kottapalayam) :

"Souvenir De Lourdes Don De Monsieur Paul de Condappa."

[obs : This Gift of the side Alter must have been built in the year 1929 at the same time when the refurbishment of the main altar was performed]

Paul de Condappa (1884 - 1944 ) from Pondicherry and Magalavathy Amma (1896 - 1953) from Bangalore.

T. R. A. Thumboo Chetty

Trichinopoly Rayalu Arakiaswamy Thumboo Chetty (1837 - 1907) became the First Indian Chief Judge of the Chief Court of Mysore and Offg. Dewan of Mysore.

[obs : to bear the name of Trichinopoly do the ancestors of Mr. Thumboo Chetty come from the town near Trichinopoly : i. e. Kottapalayam? ]

A. Ponnusamy Naidu writes that Mr. T. R. A. Thumboo Chetty is also a descendant of the Family of Kampal Naidu, he says "Our Koolathipathy great man and also from the Mysore dynasty under the Title of Dewan the late T. A. Thumboo Chettiar, C.I.E. as well as T. R. Dhana Samy Chettiar and their father Rayalou Chettiar are Gowri Koolathipathy Christians attached to the great Kampal Naidu family ".

“The Daily Post" - 21st June 1907 we could read the following, a journalist writes : "Mr Thumboo Chetty was born of Catholic Parents and the Family have been Catholics for Four Generations". ( See T. Royaloo Chetty, Page 32 Appendix).

Dated 9th December 1900, Mr. Thumboo Chetty in a brief note:-- My forefathers embraced the Catholic Faith some centuries ago through the instrumentality of the Jesuit Missionaries who, I remarked, wisely tolerated the observance of caste and Hindu social manners and customs, in so far as they were not repugnant to the precepts and tenets of the Christian religion. Southern India, which was the scene of labours of those zealous missionaries, is now inhabited by a very large number of Catholics, the descendants of whole families originally converted, who, notwithstanding the lapse of centuries, have clung to caste and social usages and are in touch with their non-Christian Hindu brethren. (page 258; T. Royaloo Chetty)

[Obs : web site T. R. A. Thumboo Chetty]

Rajamma Thumboo Chetty (1848-1934) and T. R. A. Thumboo Chetty (1837 - 1907)


  • Xavier de Condappa says that Kampal Naidu from Kottapalayam was converted by Saint Francis Xavier in the Middle of the 16th Century.
  • A. Ponnusami Naidu, the Head Master of R.C. School Kottapalayam, says that the baptism of the family members of Kampal Naidu took place in the town called Vidukar Pettai at the End of the 16th Century.
  • The Foreign Religious Orders (MEP) say that the Kampal Naidu Family (Valavikara Vadugar) were baptised at Prattacudy in the Second half of the 17th Century.
  • T. R. A. Thumboo Chetty says : " My forefathers embraced the Catholic Faith some centuries ago through the instrumentality of the Jesuit Missionaries".