Kotagiri Ganga Prasad

PhD in Physics

Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Properties of Materials: A Combined Approach

The room temperature crystal structure of AgNbO3 is not clear and still debate of matter, i.e, whether Pbcm or Pmc21 space group.

Our results showing Pmc21 space group by using Neutron diffraction, Raman scattering and Density functional theory calculations.

J.Phys.D:Applied Physics

Crystal structure of AgNbO3 (Pmc21)

Rietveld refinement of Neutron powder diffraction data

Raman spectrum of AgNbO3 at room temperature.

Dr. K. Ganga Prasad,

Department of Physics,

Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad (Ph.D.).

Email: kotagirigangaprasad@gmail.com