Last update: September 21, 2023

Kosuke TAKEMURA (Ph. D.)

Professor (Social Psychology)

Faculty of Economics, Shiga University

1-1-1 Banba, Hikone, Shiga 522-8522, JAPAN


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Bangkok, Thailand, November 2013

Selected Publications

Multilevel mediation analysis (Study 1). Unstandardized coefficients are shown. All the individual-level predictors were centered on the community mean. All the community-level predictors were centered on the grand mean. The mediator, participation in collective activities, was centered on the grand mean, and then decomposed into the two levels as latent variables.
Uchida, Y., Takemura, K., Fukushima, S., Saizen, I., Kawamura, Y., Hitokoto, H., Koizumi, N., & Yoshikawa, S. (2019). Farming cultivates a community-level shared culture through collective activities: Examining contextual effects with multilevel analyses. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 116, 1-14.

Moderation by relational mobility on the association between need for uniqueness (NFU) and life outcomes. Within-region regression coefficient (b) of NFU on relationship satisfaction plotted against regional average score of willingness to broaden network. Linear regression lines are presented. CG = Chugoku; HD = Hokkaido; HR = Hokuriku; KS = Kansai; KT = Kanto; NKS = North Kyushu; SK = Shikoku; SKS = South Kyushu; TH = Tohoku; TK = Tokai; TS = Tosan.
Takemura, K. (2014). Being different leads to being connected: On the adaptive function of uniqueness in "open" societies. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 45, 1579-1593.

Results of the multilevel analysis: Independent self-construal as a function of logged annual household income. In the graph, the three solid lines are regression lines for the effect of individual-level income on independent self-construal at three levels of provincial income (average household income at the province level). The dotted line is the regression line for the relationship between province-level income and independent self-construal.
Takemura, K., Hamamura, T., Guan, Y., & Suzuki, S. (2016). Contextual effect of wealth on independence: An examination through regional differences in China. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, Article 384.

A plot depicting the number of new Facebook/Mixi friends met on Facebook/Mixi (log-transformed) by self-expression motivation. A constant of one was added before logging because the log of zero was undefined.
Takemura, K., & Suzuki, S. (2017). Self-expression and relationship formation in high relational mobility environments: A study of dual users of American and Japanese social networking sites. International Journal of Psychology, 52, 251–255.



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