
Course Material

Statistics for Economists (ECON103 - Fall 2014/Fall 2015)

Syllabus  |  Lecture Notes  |  R Code for Lecture Notes

Introduction to Econometrics (ECON104 - Summer 2016)

Syllabus  |  Lecture Slides

Macro Topics with Search (EUI - Fall 2018)

Syllabus | Preliminaries | UI - Part I | UI - Part II | Crime | Disease Transmission

Programming Material

Introduction to SAS

Introduction to STATA  |  Sample Code & Data

Introduction to R  |  Sample Code & Data

About Me


I am a very experienced teacher. I have 12 semesters total of teaching experience as both a teaching assistant and an instructor. I have mainly taught and TA'd introductory econometrics and its statistics prerequisite for undergraduates at the University of Pennsylvania. I have also TA'd for introductory economics and taught introductions to statistical softwares in the Wharton School of Business as well as micro/macro economic principles as an undergraduate TA at Georgetown University. This fall I will teach a graduate short course covering macroeconomic research topics related to search theory applications at the European University Institute.


I see my role as a teacher to provide structure to help students learn, explain concepts in an accessible way, and serve as mentor. 

I ask that my students engage and actively participate in their own learning. My style in the classroom is interactive. I ask questions and call on every student to participate.  I start with easy, common sense questions so that students build confidence and challenge them more as the semester goes on.  I want my students to learn how to think for themselves and apply general concepts in unfamiliar environments. In econometric and statistics courses, I want my students to learn how to use standard tools to draw inference about the real world. I want them to learn how to interpret results and output correctly and think about what will affect their ability to draw inference. I focus my lectures and questions around these goals and put a strong emphasis on understanding intuition as well as math concepts. 

As an undergraduate, I learned the Jesuit principle of cura personalis which means to care for the whole person. I listen to my students' challenges and offer guidance on how to overcome adversity and make important decisions. These conversations range from guiding them to other campus resources, giving advice on how to study for economics courses, or discussing the pro and cons of taking a job or internship. 

Course Ratings

As a teaching assistant at the University of Pennsylvania, I rated on average above the course rating in every dimension of evaluation (ranging from 0 to 4). 

                                                                                                                             My Rating       Course Rating

Overall Quality                                                                                                  2.49                2.36

Communication                                                                                                 2.83                2.63

Stimulated My Interest                                                                                 2.40                2.34

Appropriately accessible outside of class time                               3.01                2.92

Helped me learn in this course                                                                 2.85                2.68

Enhanced my understanding of the material                                   2.90                2.81

Some Student Feedback...

Econometrics & Economics Statistics for Economists

"Kory is the most amazing TA I've ever had at Penn."

"Kory is an awesome TA, and I would not have understood the material w/o his recitations and office hours. He is a talented teacher."

"Kory was a great teacher! His combination of formality, precision with an intuitive approach to the subject matter not only helped to understand the course material, but also extended it by different aspects and sparked interests to dig deeper!"

"Kory was an amazing TA. He is the reason I enjoyed this course."

"Honestly, all of the applications of this course came from Kory. Without his recitation there would've been no way to complete the problem sets or do well on the tests. While this is a problem with regard to the lecture (which I think should be tailored towards helping with application and understanding of these applications), this also speaks to Kory's incredible teaching ability."

"Kory was very helpful and instigated a good interest in econometrics."

Introduction to Economics for Business School Students

"I think he is great! He is approachable, clear, and patient. He will re explain things and encourages us to ask questions."

"Kory is amazing. He demonstrates a strong knowledge of the material and always helps me understand lecture concepts better."

"Kory was an incredible TA. All of my cohorts wanted to show up to our recitation and come to his office hours. He explained the material very well and was funny, while entertaining, while still covering all of the material. Honestly, I do not know what I would do without Kory as my TA."

"Kory was a great TA and really stimulated my interest in economics concepts! His review sessions were also always extremely helpful."