Mult Chaser Help

Mult Chaser Help

About Mult Chaser

Mult Chaser is a free add-on program for N1MM Logger+ that displays contest multipliers on a map as they are worked. The program reads from the specified N1MM Logger+ database after each contact, provided that Mult Chaser and N1MM Logger+ are both configured appropriately.


Minimum System Requirements

    • Windows XP Service Pack 3 or Later

    • Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86)

    • N1MM Logger+ or N1MM Logger

Getting Started

The following instructions assume that N1MM Logger+ is already installed on your machine and that you have already prepared your contest in N1MM Logger+.

    1. Configure N1MM as outlined in the UDP Broadcasts Section.

    2. Download the latest Mult Chaser ZIP and the desired Configuration ZIP file to your computer.

    3. Unzip the Mult Chaser ZIP file and the Configuration ZIP file to the directories of your choice.

    4. Open or run MultChaser.exe.

    5. On the File menu, click Open Configuration.

    6. Browse to the directory with the unzipped Configuration files, select the desired XML file, and choose Open.

    7. On the File menu, click Open Log from Other Database.

    8. Browse to the appropriate N1MM Logger+ database (S3DB) file, select it, and choose Open.

    9. In the Select a Contest dialog, select the contest of interest, and choose Open.

    10. That's it. The program should be up and running.

Selecting the Configuration

Each time you re-start Mult Chaser, the latest configuration is automatically restored. To switch to a recently used configuration, point to Recent Configurations on the File menu, and click the desired file name. To switch to a configuration not available on the list, click Open Configuration on the File menu, browse to the desired XML file, and click Open.

Selecting the Log

Each time you re-start Mult Chaser, the latest log is automatically re-loaded. To switch to a recently used log, point to Recent Logs on the File menu, and click the desired file name. To switch to a log not available on the list, click Open Log from Current Database or Open Log from Other Database on the File menu, browse to the desired N1MM Logger+ S3DB file, select it, and then select the desired contest log from the database. The name of your currently open database is used in place of Current Database in the first instance, and this allows bypassing of the database selection process.

N1MM Logger+ Run State

Mult Chaser does not require N1MM Logger+ to be open. Mult Chaser simply reads the specified N1MM Logger+ database. When N1MM Logger+ is open, Mult Chaser automatically re-scans the database as each QSO is made.

Contest Configurations

Mult Chaser configurations consist of two parts, a configuration file (XML) and a bitmap file (BMP). The bitmap file must be located in the same directory as the configuration file.


Mult Chaser allows the map display to be restricted to certain bands and modes through the Band and Mode menus.

Keep on top

On the Tools, menu click Keep on top to prevent Mult Chaser from being hidden behind other programs such as N1MM Logger+.

Limits on Automatic Scanning

As long as UDP broadcasts are enabled correctly, the map updates after each QSO. However, N1MM Logger+ does not send a message to add-on programs if contact information is edited or deleted. The easiest way to refresh the map in that case is to make another contact in the program. Another option is to re-select the current band or mode filter.

Map Colors

The Colors sub-menu under the Tools menu has options for changing the colors displayed on the map. The selected colors are saved for future use, but the default color scheme can be restored at any time by clicking Reset to Default Colors.

UDP Broadcasts

N1MM Logger+ sends data to external programs using UDP broadcasts. Some broadcasts contain information about the mode and frequencies of each radio. Other broadcasts indicate that a new contact has been logged.

Mult Chaser uses contact broadcasts. Each contact broadcast is used to trigger a new scan of the contest log in the open database, which in turn is used to update the map.

N1MM Logger+ must be configured to enable UDP broadcasts. In any recent version of N1MM Logger+ (starting in December 15, 2015), you may do this on the Broadcast Data tab of the Configurator. You must place a check mark in the Contacts box and set the corresponding IP Address Port to

The destination port defaults to 12060 in Mult Chaser. This value can be changed by clicking UDP Port... on the Tools menu. The new port setting takes effect immediately.

More information on setting up UDP broadcasts in N1MM Logger+ may be found at:

Mult Chaser Freeware License Agreement

    1. All copyrights to Mult Chaser are exclusively owned by the author - Patrick Korkowski (NA0N).

    2. Anyone may use this software. The Mult Chaser software may not be rented or leased or sold.

    3. The Mult Chaser freeware version may be freely distributed, provided the distribution package is not modified. No person or company may charge a fee for the distribution of Mult Chaser under any circumstances whatsoever.

    4. Mult Chaser is distributed "as is". No warranty of any kind is expressed or implied. You use at your own risk. The author will not be liable for data loss, damages, loss of profits or any other kind of loss while using or misusing this software.

    5. You may not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the software, except and only to the extent that applicable law expressly permits, despite this limitation.

    6. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved by Patrick Korkowski (NA0N).

    7. Installing and using Mult Chaser signifies acceptance of these terms and conditions of the license.

    8. If you do not agree with the terms of this license you must cease to use the software.

Patrick Korkowski 10/30/2012