Invited Chapters
Ostrow, K. & Heffernan, N. (2019). Advancing the State of Online Learning: Stay Integrated, Stay Accessible, Stay Curious. In Robert Feldman (Ed.) Learning Science: Theory, Research, and Practice. McGraw Hill Education.
Journal Papers
[j6] Lu, X., Ostrow, K.S., & Heffernan, N.T. (2019). Save Your Strokes: Chinese Handwriting Practice Makes for Ineffective Use of Instructional Time in Second Language Classrooms. AERA Open, 5(4). Sage.
[j5] Inventado, P., Scupelli, P., Ostrow, K., Heffernan, N., Ocumpaugh, J., Almeda, V., & Slater, S. (2018) Contextual Factors Affecting Hint Utility. International Journal of STEM Education, 5: 13. DOI: 10.1186/s40594-018-0107-6.
[j4] McGuire, P., Tu, S., Logue, M.E., Mason, C., & Ostrow, K. (2017). Counterintuitive Effects of Online Feedback in Middle School Math: Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial in ASSISTments. Educational Media International, 54(3), 231-244.
[j3] Ostrow, K.S., Wang, Y., & Heffernan, N.T. (2017). How Flexible Is Your Data? A Comparative Analysis of Scoring Methodologies Across Learning Platforms in the Context of Group Differentiation. Journal of Learning Analytics, 4(2), 91-112.
[j2] Ostrow, K.S., Heffernan, N.T., & Williams, J.J. (2017). Tomorrow’s EdTech Today: Establishing a Learning Platform as a Collaborative Research Tool for Sound Science. Teachers College Record, 119(3), 1-36.
[j1] Heffernan, N.T., Ostrow, K.S., Kelly, K., Selent, D., Van Inwegen, E.G., Xiong, X., & Williams, J.J. (2016). The Future of Adaptive Learning: Does the Crowd Hold the Key? International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 26(2), 615-644. DOI: 10.1007/s40593-016-0094-z
Full Papers
[f9] Jiang, Y. Almeda, M.V., Kai, S., Baker, R.S., Ostrow, K., Inventado, P.S., & Scupelli, P. (2019). Single Template vs. Multiple Templates: Examining the Effects of Problem Format on Performance. ICLS.
[f8] Lu, X., Ostrow, K.S., & Heffernan, N.T. (2019). Understanding the Complexities of Chinese Word Acquisition within an Online Learning Platform. CSEDU. 321-329.
[f7] Invetado, P.S., Francisco Inventado, S.G., Matsuda, N., Li, Y., Scupelli, P., Ostrow, K., Heffernan, N., Tu, S., Mason, C., Logue, M., & McGuire, P. (2018). Using Design Patterns for Math Preservice Teacher Education . Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs. 1-8.
[f6] Ostrow, K., & Heffernan, N. (2018). Testing the Validity and Reliability of Intrinsic Motivation Inventory Subscales within ASSISTments. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education. London, England. June 27-30. (25% acceptance rate)
[f5] Heffernan, N., Heffernan, C., Li, Y., Logue, M.E., Mason, C., McGuire, P., Ostrow, K., & Tu, S. (2016) To See or Not to See: Putting Image-Based Feedback in Question. International Society for Technology in Education. Denver. Listen & Learn: Research Paper.
[f4] Ostrow, K., Selent, D., Wang, Y., Van Inwegen, E., Heffernan, N., & Williams, J.J. (2016). The Assessment of Learning Infrastructure (ALI): The Theory, Practice, and Scalability of Automated Assessment. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge, 279-288. ACM. (30% acceptance rate)
[f3] Lang, C., Heffernan, N., Ostrow, K., & Wang, Y. (2015). The Impact of Incorporating Student Confidence Items into an Intelligent Tutor: A Randomized Controlled Trial. In Santos, Boticario, Romero, Pechenizkiy, Merceron, Mitros, Luna, Mihaescu, Moreno, Hershkovitz, Ventura, & Desmarais (Eds.) Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Educational Data Mining. Madrid, Spain. June 26-29. pp. 144-149. (35% acceptance rate).
[f2] Ostrow, K., Heffernan, N.T., Heffernan, C., & Peterson, Z. (2015). Blocking vs., Interleaving: Examining Single-Session Effects within Middle School Math Homework.. In Conati, Heffernan, Mitrovic & Verdejo (Eds.) Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education. Springer International Publishing. Madrid, Spain, June 22-26. pp. 388-347. (29% acceptance rate)
[f1] Ostrow, K., Donnelly, C., Adjei, S., & Heffernan, N. (2015). Improving Student Modeling Through Partial Credit and Problem Difficulty. In Russell, D.M., Woolf, B., & Kiczales, G. (Eds), Proceedings of the 2nd ACM Conference on Learning at Scale. Vancouver, British Columbia, March 14-15. pp. 11-20. (25% acceptance rate)
Short Papers
[s6] Razzaq, R., Ostrow, K.S., & Heffernan, N.T. (2020). Effect of Immediate Feedback on Math Achievement at the High School Level. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education. 263-267.
[s5] Invetado, P.S., VanInwegen, E., Ostrow, K., Scupelli, P., Heffernan, N., Baker, R., Slater, S. & Ocumpaugh, J. (2016). Design Subtleties Driving Differential Attrition. The 6th International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference. 284-289.
[s4] Inventado, P.S., Scupelli, P., Van Inwegen, E., Ostrow, K., Heffernan, N., Ocumpaugh, J., Baker, R., Slater, S., & Almeda, M. (2016). Hint Availability Slows Completion Times in Summer Work. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Educational Data Mining. Raleigh, North Carolina. June 29-July 2. pp. 388-393.
[s3] Wang, Y., Ostrow, K., Beck, J., & Heffernan, N. (2016). Enhancing the Efficiency and Reliability of Group Differentiation through Partial Credit. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge, 454-458. ACM.
[s2] Ostrow, K., & Donnelly, C., & Heffernan, N. (2015). Optimizing Partial Credit Algorithms to Predict Student Performance. In Santos, Boticario, Romero, Pechenizkiy, Merceron, Mitros, Luna, Mihaescu, Moreno, Hershkovitz, Ventura, & Desmarais (Eds.) Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Educational Data Mining. Madrid, Spain. June 26-29. pp. 404-407. (35% acceptance rate)
[s1] Ostrow, K.S. & Heffernan, N.T. (2014). Testing the Multimedia Principle in the Real World: A Comparison of Video vs. Text Feedback in Authentic Middle School Math Assignments. In Stamper, J., Pardos, Z., Mavrikis, M., McLaren, B.M. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Educational Data Mining. London, United Kingdom, July 4-7. pp. 296-299. (41% acceptance rate)
[p5] Adjei, S., Ostrow, K., Erickson, E., & Heffernan, N.T. (2017). Clustering Students in ASSISTments: Exploring System- and School-Level Traits to Advance Personalization. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Educational Data Mining. 340-341.
[p4] Ostrow, K.S. & Heffernan, N.T. (2016). The ASSISTments TestBed and The Assessment of Learning Infrastructure: The Evolution of Educational Research at Scale. CODE@MIT.
[p3] Wang, Y., Ostrow, K., Adjei, S., & Heffernan, N. (2016). The Opportunity Count Model: A Flexible Approach to Modeling Student Performance. In Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale, 113-116. Edinburgh, Scotland.
[p2] Ostrow, K. & Heffernan, N. (2015). The Role of Student Choice Within Adaptive Tutoring. In Conati, Heffernan, Mitrovic & Verdejo (Eds.) Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education. Springer International Publishing. Madrid, Spain. June 22-26. pp. 752-755. (65% acceptance rate)
[p1] Williams J.J., Ostrow, K., Xiong, X., Glassman, E., Kim, J., Maldonado, S., Li, N., Reich, J., & Heffernan, N. (2015). Using and Designing Platforms for In Vivo Educational Experiments. In Russell, D.M., Woolf, B., & Kiczales, G. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd ACM Conference on Learning at Scale. Vancouver, British Columbia, March 14-15. pp. 409-412. (80% acceptance rate)
Doctoral Consortiums
[d3] Ostrow, K.S. (2016). Toward a Sound Environment for Robust Learning Analytics. Included in the Learning Analytics and Knowledge 2016 Doctoral Consortium.
[d2] Ostrow, K. (2015). Enhancing Student Motivation and Learning Within Adaptive Tutors. In Santos, Boticario, Romero, Pechenizkiy, Merceron, Mitros, Luna, Mihaescu, Moreno, Hershkovitz, Ventura, & Desmarais (Eds.) Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Educational Data Mining. Madrid, Spain, June 26-29. pp. 668-670.
[d1] Ostrow, K. (2015). Motivating Learning in the Age of the Adaptive Tutor. In Conati, Heffernan, Mitrovic & Verdejo (Eds.) Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education. Springer International Publishing. Madrid, Spain. June 22-26. pp. 852-855.
[w1] Ostrow, K.S., Schultz, S.E. & Arroyo, I. (2014). Promoting Growth Mindset Within Intelligent Tutoring Systems. In CEUR-WS (1183), Gutierrez-Santos, S., & Santos, O.C. (Eds.) EDM 2014 Extended Proceedings. In Ritter & Fancsali (Eds.) NCFPAL Workshop. London, United Kingdom, July 4-7. pp. 88-93.
[d1] Ostrow, K.S. & Heffernan, N.T. (2016). Studying Learning at Scale with the ASSISTments TestBed. In Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Conference on Learning at Scale, 333-334. Edinburgh, Scotland.
Ostrow, K.S. (2018). A Foundation for Educational Research at Scale: Evolution and Application. PhD Dissertation, Learning Sciences & Technologies, Worcester Polytechnic Institute. [PDF]
Ostrow, K.S. (2015). A Multifaceted Consideration of Motivation and Learning within ASSISTments. MS Thesis, Learning Sciences & Technologies, Worcester Polytechnic Institute. [PDF]
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