
Interviews and commentary for the news media

Print: Washington Post (USA), Financial Times (UK), Asahi Shimbun (Japan), La Croix (France), El Mundo (Spain), Le Temps (France), Politiken (Denmark), Les Echos (France), La Vanguardia (Spain), Exame (Brazil), Il Foglio (Italy), Panorama (Italy), El Pais (Spain)

Radio: MDR (Germany), RBB Berlin (Germany), Radio Eins RBB (Germany), Hessischer Rundfunk (Germany)

Television: ARD (Germany), ARD Morgenmagazin (Germany), Al Jazeera (International), Deutsche Welle (International), Česká Televize (Czech Republic), RAI (Italy), RTVI (Russia), RBB Berlin (Germany), Reuters (International), CGTN (China), Phoenix (Germany)

Topics: Political rhetoric, political competition and party politics, social democracy in Germany and Europe, European integration, American politics, transatlantic relations, German politics

Examples of interviews and commentary

January 11, 2017: interview with ARD Morgenmagazin (in German) (at around 0:15 min. and 0.57 min.)

January 25, 2017, interview with Deutsche Welle (in English)

January 25, 2017, interview with Deutsche Welle (in German)

November 9, 2017, invited talk about "Politicization in the digital age" at "Formate 2017" conference (in German)

Examples of opinion pieces and blog posts

June 19, 2020: "A part of values. The future of social democracy," blog post for EUIdeas, the blog of the European University Institute (EUI)

June 2, 2020: "Justifying Europe: politicians' justifications and public opinion", blog post for Political Studies Association (PSA)

May 25, 2020: "Party of values", article for Vorwärts magazine

Invited Talks

November 9, 2021: "Interessenvertretung im Wandel" [The transformation of interest representation]. Keynote lecture at the Annual National Conference of the German railroad and transport workers union (Eisenbahn- und Verkehrsgewerkschaft, EVG)

November 3, 2021: “How politicians shape public opinion about international politics.” Lecture at University of Bologna, Department of Political Science

April 14, 2021: "Electoral politics and international governance.” Lecture at University of Bologna, Department of Political Science

March 2, 2021: “Erfolg und Misserfolg sozialdemokratischer Parteien aus vergleichender und historischer Perspektive.” [Success and failure of social democratic parties from comparative and historical perspectives]. Lecture at University of Passau, College of Arts and Sciences, March 2

October 22, 2020: "Leadership and the success of political mobilization.” Lecture at the University of Stavanger

April 29, 2020: "Leadership and political mobilization: the past, present, and future of social democracy," online lecture in lockdown lecture series, City University London. The slides are available here, and a video recording here

February 20, 2020: “Elites and citizens in democratic politics.” Lecture at University of Surrey, Department of Politics

November 20, 2019: “Issue-stretching and the quality of political information.” King’s College London. Department of Political Economy

October 12, 2019: “The past and future of social democracy.” Talk and discussion at Workshop “young leaders of social democracy.” Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Bonn.

July 25, 2019: “Elite communication and public opinion about transnationalism” at Berlin Summer School of Social Sciences. Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences

July 23, 2018: “Political explanations for European integration: experimental evidence and political implications” at Berlin Summer School of Social Sciences, Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences

May 30, 2018: “The impact of policy justifications on public support for European integration.” Lecture at University of Flensburg

November 30, 2017: “Der Einfluss von Politikbegründungen auf die Zustimmung zur europäischen Integration.” [policy justifications and support for European integration]. Lecture at University of Hamburg. November 30

November 9, 2017: “New issues, alternative agendas, and the new digital divide”, at the Conference Formate 2017, organized by the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (federal agency for political education) and Deutschlandfunk (national public radio station).

October 7, 2017: “Identity and identity politics.” Lecture and internal briefing at a strategy workshop of Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (federal agency for political education), Cadenabbia

October 4, 2017: “Justifying Europe” at the Lunch Speaker Series of Princeton University.

July 24, 2017: “How politicians justify European integration” at the Berlin Summer School of Social Sciences

May 3, 2017: "Politische Führung und Interessenmobilisierung.” [Political leadership and interest mobilization]. Lecture at Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster. May 3

January 24, 2017: Question and answer session for the association of foreign correspondents in Germany about the German social democrats in the 2017 federal elections.

January 10, 2017: “The quality of political explanations and political views” at the Social Science Center (WZB) Berlin.

October 31, 2016: “Issue-stretching and public opinion” at the research colloquium of the Kolleg-Forschergruppe “The transformative power of Europe,” FU Berlin

July 18, 2016: “The theory and analysis of policy justifications” for the Berlin research week of HU Berlin and Princeton University

February 24, 2016: “Political explanations and Euroscepticism” in the Speaker Series of the Robert Schuman Center for Advanced Studies (RSCAS), Florence

July 26, 2015: “Constraints, choices, and leadership in political mobilization” at the Berlin Summer School of Social Sciences.

June 1, 2015: “Challenges of European integration” for the Spears School of Business, Oklahoma State University

April 29, 2014: “Political elites and public opinion about European integration” at the American Council on Germany (ACG), Boston

November 6, 2013: “What they say, who they are, or what they claim to be? How political elites influence public opinion” at the Princeton University lunch speaker series of the European Union Program

November 12, 2013: “The formation of labor politics in the 19th and 20th centuries” at the Center for Global Security and Governance, University of Aberdeen, Scotland