Jungkyu K. Lee


Department of Chemistry, Kyungpook National University

Phone: (+82) 53-950-5339

Fax: (+82) 53-950-6330

E-mail: jkl@knu.ac.kr


Ph.D. 2010, Department of Chemistry, Stanford University, USA (PI: Prof. Zhenan Bao)

M.S.  2004,  Department of Chemistry, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) (PI: Prof. Insung S. Choi)

B.S.  2002,  Department of Chemistry, Pusan National University


2012.09 ~ 2023.09, Assistant and Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, KNU

2010.10 ~ 2012.08, Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Chemical Engineering, MIT, USA (Pl: Prof. Hadley D. Sikes)

2004.03 ~ 2005.08, Research Assistant, Department of Chemistry, KAIST

1997.02 ~ 1999.04, Military Service, Korea Army