Curriculum vitae (chronological):

Born 1952 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Graduated (classical languages) in 1970 from Statens Kursus, Copenhagen.

Piano studies with Professor Galina Werschenska 1968-1972, and at the Royal Danish Conservatory of Music 1972-75.

Studies in Musicology at the University of Copenhagen 1975-1982.

Affiliated with the Music and Theatre Department at Copenhagen´s Royal Library 1978-1986 (as librarian)

Carlsberg Foundation Research Fellow 1987-1988 and 1993-1995.

Doctor of Music D.M. (Dr. phil.) from University of Copenhagen 1997 on the musicological and ballet-historical doctoral disputation The Verdi Ballets (see Bibliography).

Senior researcher and Head of Drama Collection from 1998 to 2010 at the Music and Theatre Department of The Royal Library, Copenhagen (as the National Library´s subject specialist in Dramaturgy, other scenic arts, ballet, dance and circus).

Curator og exhibitions and senior researcher at The Theatre Museum at the Court Theatre (Teatermuseet i Hofteatret), Copenhagen, 2011-2017.

Member of the Board of Directors of Danish Society of Musicology (Dansk Selskab for Musikforskning), 2002-2006.

Member of the Board of Directors of Danish Dance History Archives (Dansk Dansehistorisk Arkiv), 1998-2010.

Member of the Board of Directors of Bartholin International Ballet Seminar, 2000-

Chief-editor of the CD-recording of Hans Christian Lumbye´s Complete Orchestral Works (Dacapo/Naxos/Marco Polo).

Guest lecturer at Copenhagen University and several foreign universities, museums and national theatres, including: Boston Harvard University, Colorado University, Vienna University, Vienna State Opera, Vienna Theatre Museum, Rome University La Sapienza, Paris Sorbonne, Paris Opera, Paris Centre National de la Danse (CND), and Berlin State Opera.

Received the following decoration:

Order of the Star of Italy/Cavaliere dell´Ordine della Stella d'Italia (until 2011 known as the Order of the Star of Italian Solidarity/Cavaliere dell´Ordine della Stella della solidarietà italiana, OSSI), May 30, 2005.

Received the following research grants and awards:

Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II and Prince Henrik Foundation, 1981, 1982, 1992, 2003, 2005.

Italian EU State Scholarship, 1982-83.

Her Majesty Queen Ingrid Roman Scholarschip (Danish Academy in Rome), 1984, 1985 and 2011.

Danish Ministery of Culture State Research grant at the Vaganova Choreographic Academy, St. Petersburg, 1986.

Italian Research Grant (Premio Giuseppe Verdi) at the Verdi Institute, Parma, Italy, 1989- 1990.

Hans Beck Memorial Award, 1998.

Lillian Moore Prize Award (Dance Perspectives Foundation, New York), 1999.

Edited the following exhibitions and tv-documentaries:

Bournonville - forgotten but preserved. Danish Broadcasting and Television, 1980.

Documenting the Bournonville ballet The Lay of Thrym. The Royal Library and The Royal Theatre, Copenhagen, 1990.

Niels W. Gade - the composer. The Royal Library, Copenhagen (co-editor), 1992.

Bournonville - the european. The Royal Library, Copenhagen, 2000.

Viva Verdi! Verdi in Danmark - the early Danish Verdi-performances. The Royal Library and The Royal Theatre, 2001.

The repertory of the popular theatres in Denmark during the late 19th century as part of the exhibition "Det Moderne Gennembrud". The Royal Library (co-editor), 2002 - the exhibition also exists in a Danish web-version: Click here in order to visit the exhibition and choose theme no. 6 (Provisorietidens revyer).

The Poet´s Theatre Dreams - Hans Christian Andersen and the Theatre. The Royal Library, 2005 - the exhibition also exists in a Danish web-version: Click here in order to visit the exhibition.

Digterens & Balletmesterens luner, H.C. Andersens og August Bournonvilles brevveksling.Exhibition (Dronningesalsmontrene), The Royal Library, June 2005.

August Bournonville – his life outside the theatre, An exhibition about the private person August Bournonville. Exhibition at Villa Bournonville, Fredensborg, May 28 - August 28 2005.

The european August Bournonville – ballet-master, choreographer and theorist. Panel exhibition at The Royal Theatre, New Stage, on the occasion of the 3rd Bournonville Festival, June 3-11, 2005.

Herman Bang: 150 years. Exhibition marking the 150th birthday of Danish impressionist writer Herman Bang, shown at The Royal Library, The Black Diamond, april 2007.

3 interviews shown in live transmission during the galla performance Bournonvilleana at the Royal Theatre, Copenhagen on June 11, 2005 on Danish State Television (DR1-TV).

4 interviews in the TV-series Bournonville 2005, viewed on August 12-21, 2005 by the Danish TV-channel DK-4.

The lecture "Herman Bang in comtemporary caricatures", given as part of the TV-serial "Herman Bang 150 years" and viewed on April 19, 2007 by the Danish TV-channel DK-4.

"Herman Bangs skuespil ”Mikaël” genfundet og nyudgivet", exhibition shown at the Royal Library, The Black Diamond, january-february 2008.

"Champagne Galop i noder, trin og sang", exhibition (on the occasion of the composer Hans Christian Lumbye´s 200th birthday on May 2, 2010) shown at the Royal Library, The Black Diamond, April 22-June 24, 2010.

"Herman Bang and the stage", exhibition marking the centenary of the death of Danish impressionist writer and theatre director, Herman Bang, and the world premiere at Folketeatret of the play "Bang og Betty", shown at The Theatre Museum in The Court Theatre (Copenhagen), 4.10.2012 - 31.3.2013.

Click here to read more about the exhibition

Interview in the TV-series "Bog og forfatter" regarding the publication of Knud Arne Jürgensen´s monograph "Teatrets fortællinger. Jens Kistrups teaterkritik" (Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2013), viewed on April 26, 2013 by the Danish TV-channel DK-4.

"Jens Kistrup´s Universe", exhibition marking the opening of danish theatre critic, Jens Kistrup´s theatre library and the publication of Knud Arne Jürgensen´s monograph "Teatrets fortællinger. Jens Kistrups teaterkritik" (Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2013), shown at The Theatre Museum in The Court Theatre (Copenhagen), 2.5.2013 - 2014.

Click here to read more about the exhibition

"Nøddebo rectory - within the city walls and outside the ramparts", exhibition marking the 125th anniversary of the first performance of the vaudeville-comedy Nøddebo Præstegaard (Nøddebo rectory), shown at The Theatre Museum in The Court Theatre (Copenhagen), from 14.11.2013.

Click here to read more about the exhibition

Participation in national and international editorial projects:

Collaborator/contributor to:

Pipers Enzyklopädie des Musiktheaters: Oper, Operette, Musical, Ballet Forschungsinstitut für Musiktheater der Universität Bayreuth, München, Piper, 1986-1997).

MGG Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart (Kassel/Stuttgart, Bärenreiter- Verlag, 1994ff).

Den Store Danske Encyclopædi (Danmarks Nationalleksikon, 1995-2001).

International Encyclopedia of Dance (New York/Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1998).

The Cambridge Verdi Encyclopedia (Cambridge University Press, 2013/ Cambridge eBooks, 2013).

Member of:

The Royal Society for the publishing of manuscripts on Scandinavian history (Stockholm).