QBiolog/Biophysics Lab
Kyung Suk Lee, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Physics Education,
Kongju National University,
Kongju 32588, Republic of Korea
Email: leeks at kongju.ac.kr
Quantitative understanding of physics of living systems
· Regulation mechanism of food uptake
· Host-pathogen interactions during microbial infection
2013- Research Associate, Department of Physics, Harvard University
“Animal behaviors and regulatory responses to environmental cues”
· Development of microfluidics-based longitudinal imaging platform for C. elegans
· Automated image analysis of animal behaviors and regulatory responses
· Characterization of responses to food availability, neurotransmitters, and bacterial infection
2012 Ph.D. in Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
“Fluorescence imaging of single molecule dynamics on long single-stranded DNA”
· Development of an optical tweezer combined with single molecule fluorescence microscopy
· Characterization of the activities of various proteins at single molecule level
· Instrumentation of single molecule microscopes (smFRET, ALEX, STORM)
2006 B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering
B.S. in Physics, Minor in Mathematics, Seoul National University, South Korea