Next Meeting

The Society's next meeting will be held on Monday 3rd Jan 22, at 8pm at Dorridge Village Hall and by Zoom.  Our guest speaker will be Ann Bonell who will be telling us about the 'Ladies of the night!'. 

A 'Zoom' invite will be sent out to paid up members during the weekend prior to the meeting.

Contributions of Astro Photos and/or short talks from members (maybe just to open a debate) always welcome - please contact a member of the Committee via

If you require assistance with setting up telescopes or other equipment, please bring it along and discuss with our experienced members after the main talk.

We encourage you to do more observing and telling us what you've seen in the night sky during the  month (see our 'Sky Notes Archive' or Ian Morison's excellent current guide on the Jodrell Bank website). If the sky is clear we may do some actual star-gazing after the meeting closes.

Visitors are most welcome. Hope to see you there!