Membership Enquiries

Wannabe medieval reenactors step this way...

Seen 'Time Crashers' on ch4? (Or even Big Narstie The Real Game of Thrones?) Fancy trying out a fully immersive medieval experience for yourself? Then you're in the right place!

We hear more and more families are turning to camping or glamping holidays this year, so what better way to go camping - or indeed, glamping - than as a medieval re-enactor? You may not want anything as grand as this (yes that is a full size double bed!)

medieval tent open, medieval reenactment event

Membership of The Knights of Skirbeck is open to everyone, regardless of age, ability, gender, orientation etc. however we do insist that anyone under the age of 18 is accompanied by a responsible adult, and the most important thing is - you  need to be a team player! 

Though the group leaders live in the medieval town of Boston, our current membership extends throughout Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire. Live further afield? Not a problem - many of the events we attend are outside Lincolnshire anyway, so may be nearer to you.

 What is it REALLY like to be a member? Have a look at this short video

The cost is £40 per adult member & £10 per under 16 per year, (discounted to £20 & £5 if renewed by the end of January) Membership runs from date of joining to the end of December, when all membership fees become due for renewal. 

We can now accept card payments/contactless, so what are you waiting for? 

What you will need to become a member -

 First and foremost - a sense of humour! When you've spent 4 hours setting camp in the pouring rain, it's now getting dark, the only toilet is a portaloo 300 yards away across a wet field and your only means of washing are a small bowl of warm(ish) water or a packet of baby wipes, that's when you really need a sense of humour! Then later on, when you've dried out, had a hot meal and are sitting around the camp fire with a dozen or so friends, drinking mead, singing (badly) and reciting lines from Monty Python films, you still need that sense of humour!


Also - time. While we understand it is not possible for most people to attend every event, there are 3 or 4  shows per year that we ask everyone to do their best to attend.

This is one hobby where it really is true that the more you put into it, the more you get out of it.

And - Many of our shows are in Lincolnshire, but we also join in major events in places like Gloucestershire, Cambridgeshire, and Leicestershire among others.


What about kit (clothes, weapons etc)? We can usually lend the basic 'essentials' to get you started, and  we always help you find and/or make the clothes you'll need, and advise you on the best places to shop/how much you should expect to pay/what to look for etc.

Where will I /we  sleep? In one of our group tents, until you get your own, or if you have a modern tent, you can use that at most events.

"But I don't know anything about medieval history". No problem, neither did most of us when we started! The trick is never to be afraid to ask, we won't expect you to know - though if you are a history professor - bonus!

Can I be a knight? Yes - in time. Once you've acquired suitable clothes, weapons and armour and reached the  approved safety standard in combat, you will have the opportunity to prove you have the skill and stamina to be a Knight of Skirbeck.  (See Rank Structure  on the Who's Who page)

Will I have to fight?  - No! There is no compulsion on anyone to be a combatant, though if you wish to learn, we'll teach you (any gender, any age)

On the PLUS side, you do get FREE ADMISSION to and FREE CAMPING at some fantastic Stately Homes, Castles, Country Fairs, Museums, Abbeys and even the occasional Theme Park!  At most of our shows, we also provide FREE food & drink.

Not to mention the chance to join in some after hours fun & games! 

 Members can also download our free mobile app which includes a calendar, event details, useful documents and more.

So if You're a team player and want to join an extended reenactment family, why not give us a call on 07923 266158

We'll happily answer all your questions, and invite you round for a drink so you can get to know some of us before your first event. 

Alternatively, send us an email  to with your questions or come and meet us at an event and see what we're about. 

All memberships are subject to a one year probationary period.

No experience 

(or equipment)  needed.

Tent, clothes, accessories, weapons, armour etc. are available to borrow.

medieval reenactment group, Magdalen College Museum

Some of the team at Magdalen College Museum.