Knights of Columbus #7107      Knight of the Year

 One of the most agreeable privileges of being the Grand Knight of a Knights of Columbus Council is the opportunity to recognize in a formal way the contributions to Knighthood of one of the Council members. One of the many who have contributed in this Columbian year, this years recipient of the designation of “Knight of the Year” is a stand out.   This Brother Knight has contributed across all the avenues of service of the Order. Even at the risk of missing many of his contributions we list the following:

In the area of Faith In Action 

Youth programs

Community programs

Council Activity

Grand Knight  Eugene Casavant and Knights program director Bruce Weicker present a check for $1,000 to Parishioner Catherine Dansereau. This money was raised by the recent bottle drive and pancake breakfast, ( for youth activites.)   Catherine will be joining the NET Ministries of Canada (Catholic Youth Ministry)  for the coming year. We wish her all the best , and we would like to thank all parishioners for their generosity in our fundraising projects. This link will take you to the NET website.  Home page – Net Canada 

Salmon Arm Knights Council 7107 held another successful bottle drive on Saturday June 15th.....this Bottle drive was to support  Parish Youth Activities . Knights and parishioners  banded together to sort and bag hundreds of bottles and cans. This has been an ongoing project that happens a couple times a year and has been very successful....Thanks everyone! 

7107 Grand Knight Eugene Casavant presents a check for $1,000 to Mother Ann of the Carmel of St Joseph, Armstrong. This money was raised by our pancake breakfast of April 28th. Parishioners were very generous as the breakfast was by donation. The sisters are always very appreciative of our support.   Thanks everyone! 

On Feb 25th, the Knights of Columbus dedicated their pancake breakfast to assist Darrell & Dawna Snow, who are experiencing dramatic health issues.  (at that time, we also accepted donations). We are pleased to announce that the amount of $5919.00 has been raised and given to them. We are very proud of the parishioners of St Joseph, who graciously donated to this fundraiser. We thank all of you for each and every contribution.  Well done!

The Knights of Columbus are pleased to be able to present a cheque for $700.00 to St Joseph’s Parish for parish needs. Thank you to all those parishioners who generously supported the January pancake breakfast and made this possible.

March 15/24.....Knights of Columbus council 7107 Salmon Arm held another Community Gaming Grant  cheque presentation for local groups. Each year we budget for $15,000 to be given out to worthy groups such as the Safe Society, Shuswap Hospice Society, the Good Food Box, Scouts, Shuswap Lifeboat Society and many more including Bursaries & Scholarships.   Group photo &  G. K. Eugene Casavant and Scouts rep. Kirsten McDowell    (photos by Ken Nowicki)

Leprechauns in the kitchen, Cooks & Helpers at our fundraiser dinner...maybe 2013... 

The Knights of Columbus are pleased to announce the selection of a very worthy couple as Family of the Month for February 2024.


This family have been part of St Joseph’s Parish for a several years, having come here from the parish in Williams Lake.  They very quickly became very active and busy members of the civic and  parish community as they had been for many years prior to their move here ..

Mom in the family is active in the CWL and other community activities. She is an active homemaker and supporter of her husbands activities. A rumour tells me she’s also a bit of a card shark.  

Dad is a long time member of the Knights of Columbus He is active as a Trustee and the Retention  committee of the local council. He is also a member of the Fourth Degree Assembly; He brought with him a solid dedication to the K of C having served as Financial Secretary in his previous council. Though retired  he could not stay inactive and returned to the workforce as a driver of the Handydart bus service in the community. In the parish he regularly serves as head usher. He is a tireless worker that seems not to know how to say ‘no’ and is involved in work party after work party..

 It is an honour and privilege to introduce this couple as  Family of the Month for February 2024,     Please join us in welcoming Norman and Pam Leslie.

Jerome & Lynn Emmel

The Knights of Columbus are pleased to announce the selection of a

very worthy couple as Family of the Month for January 2024.

This family have been a part of St Joseph Parish for several

decades. They have raised their family here, who are now adults

out there adding to the family tree, A quiet couple who seem to try

to stay under the radar, while being fully a part the parish .

Dad is a retired RCMP having completed his service as part of the

White Collar Investigation Unit. Probably how it gave him the

conviction that ‘if it’s to good to be true, it probably is.’ He is an

active member of the Council and in recent years has organized the

highway clean up project.

Mom is often seen helping. She has served in the past as parish

secretary on a number of occasions

The Knights are proud to announce this couple as recipients of the

Family of the Month, We invite you all to join with us in

congratulating Jerome*Jerry” and Lynn Emmel as Family of the

Month for January 2024

Remembrance Day 2023  Knights & CWL ... chilly and windy..seemed like a smaller crowd this year....Thanks to all who participated!

$500 went to The Good Food Box to purchase & donate to Families in need over the next few months.

 October 23/23.....See attached a picture from yesterday's delivery of the two boxes of coats to North Shuswap Elementary School.  The principal, Chris Matheson, was most pleased and excited for the coats.  They will be well appreciated by families in need.  They send their heartfelt thanks to the Knights.


Dan and Corinne Smith

The Knights of Columbus Council #7107 are proud to recognize this family as Family of the Month for their outstanding and

continuing participation in the parish.... Dad a many years ago convert to the Catholic faith has be a leader in his family, supporting the parish and parish life . He has been in business in the community for many years and has contributed his

professional skills to the parish often. He serves as a Communion Minister and has been a member of the Knights of Columbus for many years.

Mom for the past several years has been a fixture in the offices of the parish and proves herself very capable in keeping the parish informed though the parish bulletin and in answering all those questions. She is also an active member of the CWL

As a family the are regulars at the Saturday Evening Mass. Their dedication to the church has influenced their family with their son having spent a term in the Net program.

Please join us in honoring the Dan and Corinne Smith Family

March 15/24.....Knights of Columbus council 7107 Salmon Arm held another Community Gaming Grant  cheque presentation for local groups. Each year we budget for $15,000 to be given out to worthy groups such as the Safe Society, Shuswap Hospice Society, the Good Food Box, Scouts, Shuswap Lifeboat Society and many more including Bursaries & Scholarships.     1. group photo      2. G. K. Eugene Casavant and Scouts rep. Kirsten McDowell (photos by Ken Nowicki)