Current and Past Positions

2020-: Professor of Political Science, Department of Economics, Musashi University

2015-2019: Associate Professor of Political Science, Department of Economics, Musashi University

2012-2015: Research Fellow / Assistant Professor, Organization for Japan-US Studies, Waseda University

2010-2012: Postdoctoral Teaching/Research Fellow, Department of Political Science, University of British Columbia

2009-2010: Korea Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow, Korea Institute, Harvard University.


2009: Ph.D. The joint Ph.D program at Dept. of Political Science and the School of International Relations and Pacific Studies (IR/PS), University of California, San Diego.

Dissertation: "Committing to the Party: The Costs of Governance in East Asian Democracies."

Dissertation Committee: Stephan Haggard (Co-Chair), Ellis Krauss (Co-Chair), Matthew Shugart, Megumi Naoi, Carlos Waisman (Sociology)

2003: MA. Dept. of Advanced Social and International Studies, University of Tokyo, Japan.

2001: BA. Dept. of Advanced Social and International Studies, University of Tokyo, Japan.

1999-2000: One-year exchange program called AIKOM (Abroad in Komaba). Dept. of International Relations, Seoul National University, South Korea.


Articles and Chapters

Nemoto, Kuniaki. 2023. "How the Liberal Democratic Party Avoided a Loss in 2021." in Pekkanen, Robert J., Steven R. Reed, Daniel M. Smith. eds. Japan Decides 2021. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. pp.43-58.

Nemoto, Kuniaki, and Ellis S. Krauss. 2021. "Japan's Unusual but Interesting Parliamentary Committees: An Arena and Transformative Model?" in Siefken, Sven T., and Hilmar Rommetvedt. Parliamentary Committees in the Policy Process. New York: Routledge. pp.189-205.

Nemoto, Kuniaki. 2021. "Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party: Changes in Party Organization under Shinzō Abe." in Pekkanen, Robert J., and Saadia Pekkanen. eds. The Oxford Handbook of Japanese Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp.161-181.

Nemoto, Kuniaki. 2018. "Party Competition and the Electoral Rules." in Pekkanen, Robert J., Steven R. Reed, Ethan Scheiner, and Daniel M. Smith, eds, Japan Decides 2017. New York: Palgrave. pp.165-183.

Nemoto, Kuniaki. 2018. "Electoral Systems in Context: Japan." in Herron, Erik S., Robert Pekkanen, and Matthew Shugart, eds, Oxford Handbook for Electoral Systems. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp.825-849.

Herron, Erik S., Kuniaki Nemoto, and Misa Nishikawa. 2018. "Reconciling Approaches in the Study of Mixed-Member Electoral Systems." in Herron, Erik S., Robert Pekkanen, and Matthew Shugart, eds, Oxford Handbook for Electoral Systems. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp.445-471.

Krauss, Ellis, Kuniaki Nemoto, Robert Pekkanen, and Aiji Tanaka. 2016. "Party Politics, Elections, and (Mis-)trust in Japan." Japan Forum 29(1): 19-38.

Nemoto, Kuniaki, and Chia-hung Tsai. 2016. "Post Allocation, List Nominations, and Pre-Electoral Coalitions under MMM." in Batto, Nathan, Gary Cox, Chi Huang, and Alex Tan, eds, Mixed-Member Electoral Systems in Constitutional Context: Taiwan, Japan, and Beyond. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. pp.165-193.

Nemoto, Kuniaki, Ellis S. Krauss, and Robert Pekkanen. 2014. "Over-nominating Candidates, Undermining the Party: The Collective Action Problem under SNTV in Japan." Party Politics 20(5): 740-50.

Nemoto, Kuniaki. 2013. "Rise of Parliamentary Activities as New Inter-Election Campaigning Tools." in Robert Pekkanen, Steven Reed, and Ethan Scheiner. eds. Japan Decides. New York: Palgrave. pp.123-38.

Nemoto, Kuniaki, and Matthew S. Shugart. 2013. "Localism and Coordination under Three Different Electoral Systems: The National District of the Japanese House of Councillors." Electoral Studies 32(1):1-12.

Krauss, Ellis S., Kuniaki Nemoto, and Robert Pekkanen. 2012. "Reverse Contamination: Burning and Building Bridges in Mixed Member Systems." Comparative Political Studies 45(6): 747-73.

Nemoto, Kuniaki, Ellis S. Krauss, Robert Pekkanen, and Nigel S. Roberts. 2012. "Legislative Organization in MMP: The Case of New Zealand." Party Politics 18(4): 503-21.

Nemoto, Kuniaki, Ellis S. Krauss, and Robert Pekkanen. 2008. "Policy Defection and Party Discipline: The July 2005 Vote on Postal Privatization in Japan." British Journal of Political Science 38(3): 499-525.

Other publications

Nemoto, Kuniaki. 2018. "The New Zealand Elections: A Japanese View." in Levine, Stephen. ed. Stardust and Substance: The New Zealand General Election in 2017. Wellington, New Zealand: Victoria University Press. 110-115.

Nemoto, Kuniaki. 2015. A review of Growing Democracy in Japan: The Parliamentary Cabinet System since 1868 by Brian Woodall. Pacific Affairs 88(4): 922-924.

Nemoto, Kuniaki, and Shinsuke Hamamoto. 2013. "Senkyo Seido Kaikaku ni yoru Rippo Kodo no Henyo: Shitsumon Shuisho to Giin Rippo." [Changing Legislative Behavior after the Electoral Reform in Japan: Parliamentary Questions and Private Member's Bills.] Revaiasan. 52. 116-42. [in Japanese]

Nemoto, Kuniaki. 2013. A review of The Evolution of Japan's Party System: Politics and Policy in an Era of Institutional Change by Len Schoppa. Pacific Affairs 86(1): 157-158.

Hamamoto, Shinsuke, and Kuniaki Nemoto. 2011. "Kojin Chushin no Senkyo Senryaku to Sono Yukosei." [Campaigning for Personal Votes and Its Impact on Electoral Outcomes.] Nenpo Seijigaku. 70-97.  [in Japanese]

Awards, Grants, and Fellowships

2018-2024: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grant-in-Aid. 4.29 million yen [39,103 USD].

2015-2018: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grant-in-Aid. 4.03 million yen [33,590 USD].

2013-2015: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grant-in-Aid. 4.16 million yen [42,000 USD].

2010-2011: Postdoctoral Fellowships, UBC.

2009: Korea Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship.

2007: APSA Travel Grant.

2003-2009: Graduate Fellowship, UCSD.

2001: The Best Undergraduate Thesis Award, University of Tokyo.

1999-2000: Short-Term Exchange Fellowship, University of Tokyo.

Career-Related Experience


2015-: Instructor for "Politics" (taught in English), "Seiji to Keizai" (Politics and Economy, taught in Japanese), etc., Musashi University.

2010-12: Instructor for "Japanese Politics," "Parties and Party Systems," and "Introduction to Comparative Politics," University of British Columbia.

2008: Teaching Assistant for Professor Matthew Shugart, Graduate School of IR/PS, UCSD.

2007-2008: Teaching Assistant for Professors Gordon Hanson and Takeo Hoshi, Graduate School of IR/PS, UCSD.

2005-2007: Teaching Assistant for Professor Ulrike Schaede, Graduate School of IR/PS, UCSD.


2007-: Field research in Japan and South Korea. Mainly conducted interviews with 40+ National Assembly members, mayors, city council members, party officials, professors, and other knowledgeable professionals; archival research on newspapers and magazines; and constructed original datasets on legislators and their behavior in the assembly.

2007: Research Assistant for Professor Ethan Scheiner, UC Davis.

2006, 2008: Research Assistant for Professor Takeo Hoshi, Graduate School of IR/PS, UCSD.

2006: Research Assistant for Professor Frances Rosenbluth, Yale University.

2005-2006: Research Assistant for Professor Ulrike Schaede, Graduate School of IR/PS, UCSD.

2004-9: Research Assistant for Professor Ellis S. Krauss, Graduate School of IR/PS, UCSD.


1997-: Translator at Digitized Information, Inc., Tokyo, Japan (Making and proofreading a number of Japanese-to-English and English-to-Japanese translations, including articles that appeared in the Japanese edition of the Popular Science magazine).

Manuscript/Book Proposal/Research proposal reviewer for Social Science Japan Journal, Journal of East Asian Studies, American Journal of Political Science, Political Research Quarterly, Journal of Politics, Parliamentary Affairs, Party Politics, Electoral Studies, Political Studies, International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, Journal of Women, Politics & Policy, Nenpo Seijigaku [Japanese], International Political Science Review, Political Behavior, Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, Asian Politics and Society, Government and Opposition, Japanese Studies, Japanese Journal of Political Science, Pacific Affairs, Comparative Political Studies, Polity Press, Routledge, and the National Science Centre of Poland.

Member for American Political Science Association, Midwest Political Science Association, Association for Asian Studies, Japanese Political Science Association, and Japanese Association for Electoral Studies.

Languages and Skills

Japanese (native); English (reading, research, and conversation); Korean (reading, research, and conversation).

Econometrics: OLS; 2SLS and instrumental variables; time-series and panel; generalized linear models (discrete choice and count models); hierarchical models; Bayesian methods (MCMC).

Statistical software packages: Stata; R; BUGS/JAGS.

Kuniaki Nemoto. All rights reserved.