
Published Papers

  • "Estimating the Economic Impact of Stormwater Runoff in the Allen Creek Watershed," Ecological Economics, 2018; 145, pp.420- 429, with Jeffrey Wagner, Daniel Lass, Karl Korfmacher and Brid Gleeson Hanna. Available here.

Working Papers

  • Information and Environmental Disasters: Valuing Public Risk Perception Regarding the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill with Patrick Walsh. Draft available here.
  • Identifying the Health Effects of Information on Pollution Levels in Chile with Jamie Mullins. Draft available here.
  • Communicating Risk: Market Responses to California’s Wildfire Hazard Disclosure Law with Carolyn Kousky and Karl Korfmacher.

Research in Progress

  • Floods, Fires and Earthquakes: Market Responses to Overlapping Hazard Risks with Carolyn Kousky and Karl Korfmacher.
  • Beyond the Blaze: The Effects of Wildfire Smoke Dispersion on Property Values with Carolyn Kousky.
  • A Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Community Rating System with Jeffrey Czajkowski, Sam Brody and Wes Highfield.
  • Forgettable Disasters: Exploring the Drop-off in Risk Perception Following Flood Events.