

``Rational curves in Mukai-Umemura (MU) variety: A survey", Intensive Lecture at Busan, Pukyong National University, Korea, May, 2024.

``Rational curves in Mukai variety: Survey", YeungNam Workshop on Algebraic Geometry XII, Yeungnam University, Korea, Apr., 2024.

"Rational curves in Fano varieties", Ewha Women University (Colloquium), Seoul, Korea, Apr., 2024.

"Enumeration via moduli", The 4th Workshop on Geometry and Topology around Young-Nam , Daegu, Korea, September, 2023.

"Incidence and Fano plane", The 4th Workshop on Geometry and Topology around Young-Nam , Daegu, Korea, September, 2023.

"Rational curves and Fano plane",  Jeonju University (Colloquium), Jeonju, Korea, September, 2023.

"Construction of quintic del Pezzo and Mukai variety", 2023 Buyeo Algebraic Geometry Workshop, Buyeo, Korea, August, 2023.

"Survey on Mukai–Umemura threefold", Korea University (Seminar talk), Seoul, Korea, May, 2023.

"Tensor space", Ewha Women University (Intensive talk), Seoul, Korea, May, 2023.

"Rational curves in Fano varieties", Korea University (Colloquium), Seoul, Korea, Apr., 2023.

● "Survey on Mukai–Umemura threefold", IBS-CCG, Daejun, Korea, Jan., 2023 (cancelled).

"Rational quartic curves in prime Fano $3$-folds" (poster presentation), Conference on Algebraic Geometry and Related Topics (Retierment  & 60th), Busan, Korea, Dec., 2022.

"곡선의 집합족과 모듈라이", Joint workshop on algebraic geometry and mathematics education: First encounter, Dongtan, Korea, Dec., 2022.

"Rational quartic curves in prime Fano $3$-folds" (poster presentation), Current Developments in Algebra and Topology 2022 (Joint workshop between Korea and Vietnam), Buyeo, Korea, Oct., 2022.

"Rational curves in Fano varieties", Sungkyunkwan University (Colloquium), Suwon, Korea, Oct., 2022.

● "Double lines in the quintic del Pezzo fourfold", IBS-CGP,Phohang, Pohang, Korea, May, 2022.

● "Double lines in the quintic del Pezzo fourfold ", 제주 대수기하학 및 위상수학 세미나, Jeju, Korea, May, 2022.

● "Introduction to enumerative geometry", Workshop on mathematics at Raon, Jinju,  April. 2022.

BPS-numbers in CY 4, 5-folds", 제주 대수기하 워크샵 2021, April, Korea, 2021.

● "Introduction to Hilbert schemes via rational curves ", PMI-BRL & BK 21 FOUR Arithmetic Geometry Lecture Series (5 hours), Korea, July, 2021.

● "BPS-numbers in CY 4, 5-folds  ", Conference on Algebraic Geometry , Wonju, Korea, July, 2021.

● "DT-invariants on Fano 3-folds via K-classes",  부여 대수기하 워크샵 2021, Buyeo, Korea, June, 2021.

"유리 곡선, 그 어느 곳에서나...  ",  BK 기하학 수요세미나, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, June, 2021.

 “BPS-numbers in CY 4, 5-folds", 제주 대수기하 워크샵 2021, April, Korea, 2021.

 “Foundation of Rational curves",  Recent Advances in Moduli and Invariants 2020 (Online conference),  Sep., Korea, 2020.

 “Rational curves in Fano varities of the Picard group rank one",  Algebraic Geometry and Current trends in Mathematics (Online conference),  July,  Busan, Korea, 2020.

 “Intersection cohomology of the moduli space of conics in V_5",  Meeting of the Korean Mathematical Society 2019, Oct. Seoul, Korea

 "대수기하학의 관점에서의 유리곡선", Ulsan University (Colloquium), Ulsan, Korea, Oct., 2019.

 "Geometry of Rational Curves ", UNIST (Colloquium), Ulsan, Korea, Sep., 2019.

 "유리 곡선의 모듈라이 공간의 기하학 ",  Joint Workshop on Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory in Mokpo 2019, April,  Mokpo, Korea

 "유리 곡선의 기하학 ",  Yonsei University (Colloquium), Seoul, Korea, April, 2019.

 “Intersection cohomology of the moduli space of sheaves on local CY 3-fold via Kirwan's desingularization", Joint Meeting of the Korean Mathematical Society and the German Mathematical Society ,2018,  Oct.  Seoul, Korea

 “Geometry of moduli spaces of rational curves in linear sections of Grassmannian”, Korean-Italian Meeting on Algebraic Geometry 2018, KIAS, Seoul, Korea, Jan. 2018.

 ``Toward computation of the cohomology ring of the moduli space of the pure sheaves on del Pezzo surfaces", 3nd SWAG, Yonsei Univ, Korea, Nov. 2017.

 ``Toward computation of the cohomology ring of the moduli space of the pure sheaves on del Pezzo surfaces", Seminar talk, KAIST, Korea, Nov. 2017.

 ``Birational geometry of the moduli space of pure sheaves on quadric surface", First Spain South Korea bilateral workshop on Algebraic Geometry, Madrid, Spain, July 2017.

 ``Canonical models of the stable maps space in Grassmannian", 2nd SSAG in HUFS, HUFS, Korea, Dec. 2016.

 ``Geometry of quiver representation space via rational curves", YeungNam Seminar on Algebraic Geometry I, Yeungnam University, Korea, Nov. 2016.

 ``Rational curve space via quiver representation space", Ulrich sheaves and syzygies, Bloomvista Resort, Yangpyeong, Korea, Sep. 2016.

 ``Mori program for the moduli space of conics in Grassmannian", Workshop on moduli and mirror symmetry, Alpensia Resort, Pyeong Chang, Korea, Aug. 2016.

 ``Cohomology computation of the moduli space of stable sheaves on P^2", 2016 Youngnam Mathematical Society Annual Meeting, Keimyung Univ., Daegu, Korea, Jun. 2016. 

 ``Some remark on rational curves in the Del Pezzo threefold ", Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, May 2016.

 ``Geometry of moduli spaces of rational curves in linear sections of Grassmannian Gr(2, 5)", Workshop on rational curves and moduli, Damyang Resort, Damyang, Korea, May. 2016. 

 ``Stable maps of genus zero in the space of stable vector bundles on a curve", 2016 Workshop on Tensor Geometry and Zariski Spirits , Marina, Jeju, Korea, Feb. 2016. 

``Cohomology ring of the moduli space of stable sheaves supported on quartic curves", Symposium in Algebraic Geometry, Rivera Hotel, Busan, Korea, Dec. 2015. 

 “Rational curves in Fano varieties and its rationality problem”, AG Seminar, KIAS, Seoul, Korea, Dec. 2015.

 ``Rational curves in projective varieties", Kyungpook National University (Colloquium), Daegu, Korea, Nov. 2015.

 “Topology of the moduli space of sheaves and its related topics”, AG Seminar, KIAS, Seoul, Korea, June 2015.

 “Moduli of sheaves, Fourier-Mukai transform, and partial desingularization”, KIAS-AMSS Joint Conference- Algebraic geometry, Number theory and related topics, Beijing, China, May 2015.

 “On the geometry of the moduli space of pure sheaves supported on quartic space curves”, Projective geometry and syzygies, Warsaw, Poland, April 2015.

 “On the geometry of the moduli space of one-dimensional sheaves on Fano varieties”, Seminar talk, IBS-CGP, Pohang, Korea, February 2015.

“Moduli of sheaves supported on quartic space curves”, Seminar talk, Fordham Univ., New York, USA, October 2014.

 “The spaces of rational curves in Fano threefolds”, CMC Seminar, CMC, Seoul, Korea, September 2014.

 “Birational geometry of the space of conics on Gr(2, 4)”, AG and CA Seminar, KIAS, Seoul, Korea, September 2014.

 ``BPS index for moduli space of stable sheaves on local P^2", Algebraic geometry in East Asia 2013, Beijing, China, October 2013.

 ``Nef cone of the moduli space of pure sheaves supported on the projective plane curves", 30th Algebra Camp, Alpensia resort Pyeong Chang, Korea, August 2013.

 ``Log minimal model program of the moduli space of pure sheaves on P^2", Muju workshop, Muju resort Muju, Korea, August 2013.

 ``Nef cone of the moduli space of sheaves via spectrum II, III", Mini-workshop on algebraic geometry, Chungwoon University Incheon, Korea, July 2013.

 ``Nef cone of the moduli space of sheaves via spectrum I", Algebraic geometry mini-workshop, Yeungnam University Gyeongsan, Korea, July 2013.

 ``Birational geometry of moduli spaces of pure sheaves", Postech, Pohang, Korea, May 2013.

 ``Bridgeland wall-crossings on the moduli space of pure sheaves", Geometry Journal Meeting, KIAS, Seoul, Korea, May 2013.

 ``BPS numbers on local P^2 via Bridgeland types wall-crossing", Geometry Journal Meeting, KIAS, Seoul, Korea, March 2013.

 ``Moduli of semistable sheaves via the relative Hilbert scheme", Symposium on Projective Algebraic Varieties and Moduli, Yeosu, Korea, February 2013.

 ``The geometry of moduli spaces of stable sheaves; Research Summary", Seminar talk, KIAS, Seoul, Korea, January 2013.

 ``Moduli spaces of one dimensional stable sheaves on P^2 via stable pairs", Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea, October 2012.

 ``Betti numbers of the moduli space of pure sheaves via stable pairs", Korea-Japan Joint Conference in Algebraic Geometry, Gunsan, Korea, August 2012.

 ``Birational geometry of compactified spaces of rational curves in P^2", Postech, Pohang, Korea, March 2012.

 ``Various compactifications of the rational Severi variety on the projective plane", Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, March 2012.

 ``Poincar\'e polynomials of the moduli spaces of pure sheaves via stable pairs", Symposium in Algebraic Geometry, Rivera Hotel, Busan, Korea, December 2011. 

 ``Compactified moduli spaces of rational curves in a projective variety", Algebra Camp, Daemyung Resort, Korea, August 2011.

 ``Compactifications of the space of smooth rational curves in projective varieties", Mini-workshop in Algebraic Geometry, Sogang University, Seoul, Korea, April 2011.


Public Lecture

- ``메탄과 대칭",  Gyeongsin High school, Daegu, Korea, May, 2024.

- ``도형의 개수세기와 대칭",  Keisung High school, Daegu, Korea, Apr., 2024.

- ``공학 도구를 활용한 기하 강의 설계 및 실제에 대한 소회", Jeonju, Korea, November, 2023.

- ``대수기하학자가 바라본 컴퓨터 대수 시스템의 교육적 역할에 대한 소고", Busan National University of Edu., Korea, November 2021.

- ``AI 시대, 수학 예비 교사의 역량(내용학 전공 교수의 제언)", Gangwon National Univ., Korea, June, 2021.

- ``수학 연구자의 길",  Kyungwon High School, Daegu, Korea, June, 2021.

- ``Geometry of motion and presentation", Hwikyung High School, Seoul, Korea, July 2018.

- ``Donuts v. s. Ping-pong balls", Science Camp, Dongdaemun-Gu and KIAS, (Seoul, Korea), Jaunary 2015.

- ``Euler numbers", Science circle, Seoul Joongang Woman high school, (Seoul, Korea), November 2014.

- ``The number of holes", Science circle, Dongil Woman high school and KIAS, (Seoul, Korea), May 2014.

- ``Universe through the equation", Science Camp, Yeungju City and KIAS, (Seoul, Korea), August 2013.

- ``Intersection numbers of plane curves", Science Camp, Yeungju City and KIAS, (Seoul, Korea), August 2012.

- ``Counting infinite sets", Dobong Gifted and Talented Center in Duksung Women's Univ., (Seoul, Korea), October 2011.