
Working papers 

"Uniqueness of equilibrium with survival probability heterogeneity and endogenous annuity price" (with S.-H. P. Lau, Y. YING), June 2024. R&R at Insurance: Mathematics and Economics.

"The effect of intellectual capital and venture capital on enterprise values: evidence from China" (with P. Wang, R. Zhang), June 2024, R&R at China Accounting and Finance Review

"Heterogeneous early health signals and deferred annuities" (with S.-H. P. Lau), Dec 2023. Under review

"Wealth-dependent ceiling versus uniform ceiling in public annuity plans", Feb 2024. Under review

"Banning gender-based pricing in a mandatory annuity program with partial waiver may unintentionally lead to advantageous selection" (with S.-H. P. Lau, Y. YING), Jan 2024.  

Selected works in progress

"Competitive borrowings in squeezing marriages" (with Yifei Zhang), Feb 2024 (a preliminary draft is available upon request)

"Government intervention and annuitization boom: the roles of public education and tax incentive" (with H. Zhang and Y. Ying),  June 2024 (a preliminary draft is available)

"Surrender option in deferred annuities" (with S.-H. P. Lau, Y. YING)

"Bride-price inflation in China"


12. Severity reduction and private market distortion effects of voluntary and mandatory public annuity plans. with S.-H. P. Lau, Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2024, 28(2): 403-425.

11. A common thread linking the design of guarantee and nonescalating payments of public annuities. with S.-H. P. Lau, Journal of Risk and Insurance, 2023, 90(3): 703-742. (Featured by JRI on LinkedIn.)

10. Public annuity as a component of retirement income protection policy: Lessons from Hong Kong and overseas. with S.-H. P. Lau, in Hong Kong Economic Policy Green Paper 2021. Publisher: HKU Business School. 46-53. (Featured by HKET and MingPao.)

9. Second-party and third-party punishment in a public goods experiment. with Yan Zhou, Peiran JIAO (2017), Applied Economics Letters, 24(1), 54-57.

8. Socio-pragmatic influence on opening salutation and closing valediction of British workplace email. with Jamie McKeown (2015). Journal of Pragmatics, 85, 92-107.

7. 周燕, 郭偲偲, & 张麒麟. (2015). 内外双向因素与搭便车行为: 社会网络的调节作用. 管理科学, 28(3), 130-142.

6. 周燕, 张麒麟, 付丽娜, 杨一字, & 孙桂英. (2014). 信息公开机制控制搭便车行为的效果:实验证据. 管理科学学报, 17(4), 86-94.

5. 张麒麟, 王九云, & 丁晶晶. (2012). 发展中国家知识产权保护对经济增长的影响. 哈尔滨工业大学学报: 社会科学版, (5), 106-110.

4. 周燕, 张麒麟, & 张瑞雪. (2011). 基于改进型投资实验的搭便车行为研究. 中国软科学, (1), 173-180.

3. 周燕, 张麒麟. (2011). 基于经济学实验的搭便车问题研究. 哈尔滨工业大学学报: 社会科学版, (5), 27-31.

2. 周燕, 张麒麟, & 程奎. (2010). 不同情境下搭便车行为的改变:基于实验数据的研究. 中国软科学, (7), 158-164.

1. 刘铁, 张麒麟, & 张瑞雪. (2009). 中国高新技术产业化的风险及规避. 学术交流, (11), 90-95.