6th Grade Choir

In our class time we have been reviewing and testing on dynamics (volume) and handsigns. We will also test on tempo (speed), rhythmic names and values, and lines and spaces of the staff and their note names. We have completed voice testing to check for range, pitch matching, and tone quality, and have divided into two part harmony.

6th Grade Choir started our year learning the Star Spangled Banner for future opportunities to sing at sporting events, such as a home football game. As an intermediate choir, our goals are to continue to build foundational principles of singing and to improve our skill at harmony. This year will be spent in two and three parts so we can increase our difficulty levels. Sightreading is also part of building literacy skills daily. I am very excited to have a new sight reading curriculum to work in the schedule to achieve greater consistency and overall skill.

All choirs are co-curricular, so we have performances that are part of the goals set to measure our progress in choral instruction and skill attainment. Dates for these performances are listed on the choral policy guide and in the google calendar on this website.

All choir students need their performance uniforms for concerts. This consists of:

  • Blue KCS Music Department Polo

  • Black pants/socks/dress shoes for men

  • Black skirts/gauchos, hosiery, dress shoes for women

The Choral Department Policy Guide is attached below. This year I am asking that you submit a google confirmation that you have read my policies. It can be found on the home page and below. Be sure to get the concert and contest dates on the family calendar and contact me with any questions!

Please expand the policy guide and the confirmation

Policy Guide 6 Choir 2020.docx