

Notwithstanding any weather issues we will have a Jiu Jitsu seminar on Saturday, 14 May, 2022.

UPDATE: Unfortunately, several issues have come up and I must postpone the seminar scheduled for next Saturday. Prof Dave will let you know when another date is decided on.

Location: 3691 Stagecoach Rd, Sydenham ON.


9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. - All age groups.

10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. - 14 Years Of Age (YOA) and above.

What to wear:

Running shoes;

Dark sweatpants or black gi pants;

Dark t-shirt or the club t-shirt.

What to bring:

Ball cap;


Bug repellent;

Water bottle.

In addition to the above:

All participants 14 years of age and above are asked to bring kali sticks and safety goggles if possible. Not a showstopper if you don't have any.

Note: There are no change rooms. Washroom access is limited.

Allergy Alert: Next door is a horse ranch.

Covid Protocols: All people attending, weather participating, or spectating MUST be symptom free.


There is no fee to attend. You are however, requested to make a MONETARY donation of your choice to your local food bank.

Please contact Professor Dave if you plan to attend.

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With the warmer weather coming up we will be going into summer dress effective Monday 02 May, 2022. Very simply, in the hotter weather we will train without wearing a uniform jacket. We will continue to wear the club t-shirt, uniform belt, white or black pants (black are recommended for the outdoor training) as well as running shoes.

Please be sure to have your uniform top and safety equipment with you as they may be required for some lessons. If you do not have a black club t-shirt, then please have your child wear any t-shirt for now (black is preferable). A new order of t-shirts, all sizes will be in next week. For outdoors, black sweat pants are acceptable.

I will bring the t-shirts to class. Cost is $22.00 per shirt.


Just a quick reminder about the beginning of outdoor training.


Historically, the number of people training in the summer declines due to many reasons i.e. soccer, baseball, family vacations etc.... The staff of the Jiu Jitsu club will also be heading out for some fun. Subsequently we will suspend training for the month of July.


We will reopen for the month of August for outdoor training only at Shihan Dan's place at 3691 Stagecoach Rd, Sydenham ON on the following evenings:

Mon - 6:30 to 8 pm

Thu - 6:30 to 8 pm


Beginning in September we will be back indoors.

Please contact Professor Dave if you have any questions.

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