Calendar 2020 - 2021

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April 7 Roy Johnstone The Assaination of JFK Cancelled Covid

April 21 Spring Lunch Cancelled Covid

May 5 Bob Jeffrey Giants of the Clyde Cancelled Covid

May 19 Norrie Hollywood Second Hand Safety Cancelled Covid

June 9 Ian Dale Glasgow Poisiners Cancelled Covid

July 7 Bob McMillan Aysshire During Wartime Cancelled Covid

August 11 John Ferguson Buster Crabbe Frogman/Spy Cancelled Covid

Sept 1 Crime Prevention Police Scotland Cancelled Covid

Sept 15 Ian Thomson Royal Security Cancelled Covid

Oct 6 David Reeks Aid to Syrian Refugees Cancelled Covid

Oct 20 Chris Savage The Cassilis and Culzean Estates Cancelled Covid

Nov 3 John Duncan The Development of Computers Cancelled Covid

Nov 17 Ian Valentine 50 Years at the Chalk Face Cancelled Covid

Dec 1 Stuart Wilson Michael Boulton Jones Cancelled Covid

Dec 15 Xmas Lunch Cancelled Covid


Jan 12 Barbara Graham German Occupation of Channel Islands Cancelled Covid

Feb 2 John Houston Corrymeela Peace Camp Cancelled Covid

Feb 16 Jack Leishman Be Prepared Cancelled Covid

Mar 2 Quiz time

Mar 16 A G M Cancelled Covid 19