Organic geochemistry is the study of the transformation of organic matter of all types, whether of biological or man-made origin, in the Earth System.

These transformations range from those mediated by biological processes involved in the production of living tissue and the operation of food-chains,

to those controlled by temperature and pressure at depth in the crust, and by photochemical processes in the atmosphere and hydrosphere.

This book does not assume any particular specialist knowledge - explanatory boxes are used to provide essential information about topics and techniques.

Technical terms are highlighted and explained at their first appearance in the text.

SI units are presented in Appendix 1, prefixes used to denote exponents in Appendix 2 and a geological time scale in Appendix 3.

A comprehensive reference list, featuring articles in readily available journals, enables exploration of the original sources of concepts and case studies.

The text serves undergraduate and postgraduate courses in which organic geochemistry is an important component.

It may also be found a useful companion by experienced scientists from other disciplines encountering organic geochemistry for the first time.

We are pleased to make this text available for educational purposes – down-loadable pdfs of each chapter are linked to chapter titles below

Errata are in a separate pdf – please access them too and advise authors of further errata you may spot at

Copyright applies, so while use for personal private study is allowed, please apply to the authors for permission to reproduce material


Apprendices & References
