About Us


About Us

Our Vision

The KFL would like to expand programming to all of the high needs schools in the Ottawa area, a feat that will require a great amount of financial support and time commitment from volunteers. The organization would like to improve its current structure to make it more easily accessible to schools and volunteers and to help grow a resource base for the programs to expand. Increasing program availability will provide more youth, especially those who are financially disadvantaged, opportunities to engage in an active lifestyle, improve motor skills, increase self-confidence, and develop a social support network.

Goals and Objectives

The goal of the KFL is to provide local, quality, affordable programming to youth, focusing on improving fitness, motor skills, and character development in a fun, safe, and educational environment. Financial constraints should never serve as an obstacle to physical activity and, through the formation of partnerships with parents, schools, and other like-minded associations, barriers to accessibility may be reduced.

Meet The Team

Lloyd Armstrong – President and Co-Founder


Lloyd has completed an undergraduate degree in Physical Education and a Masters degree in Human Kinetics at the University of Ottawa and a Bachelor of Education at the University of Western Ontario.


Lloyd has been teaching for over 20 years and is currently a teacher in the Ottawa Catholic School Board. Lloyd is the physical education and interscholastic sport representative for his school and is involved with the school board's Daily Physical Activity Team that provides in-service training workshops to teachers.


2012 - Lloyd won the United Way Community Builder award.

2005 – Recipient of the Ontario and Canadian Physical Education Teacher of the Year Awards by Physical and Health Education Canada.

2004 – Recipient of the Dan Partick Kelly Award from the Ottawa Catholic School Board for coaching excellence.

Our Staff

We have an enthusiastic team of staff members who have education in human kinetics, physical education, art, science, early childhood education, and working with children with an expectionality. Our staff have a wealth of experience working with children at camps, community events, in schools, and organized physical activity. All of our staff are trained in Standard First Aid and CPR-C.

Our Interns

Our program is delighted to be supported by a group of enthusiastic fourth year University of Ottawa Human Kinetics internship students. Their knowledge and background in physical activity is an asset to the implementation of our programs and the experience of our participants.