Photos - Past & Present

Nancy Raith, Mitch Wieldt, DeeDee Hasagawa

Kim Ruble and Bob Esterlien

Reunion Committee Present: Karen Spiller, Jan Whitson Baumgartner,

Trish (Patty Chase) Munson, Barb Ames Jones, Kate Pepin,

Jim Sahrmann, Maggy Ruhe Spencer, Missy Knox Wulff,

Yvonne Goelz Conner, Mitch Wieldt

Past Reunion

Reunion Committee Past

Kathy Randolph

Jan Mitch Karen Missy

Reunion Committee: Jan Whitson Baumgartner, Mitch Wieldt,

Karen Spiller, Missy Knox Wulff

Judy Purvines, Sally Martin, Sally Yost

Craig Seibels, Missy Knox Wulff

Missy Knox Wulff, Sue Helmke Leslie

Chuck Leighton, Ann Meyer Fairchild,

Missy Knox Wulff, Dennis Rodriguez

Top Row: ?, Keith Nold, Jim Perry, Nancy Raith

Bottom row: Sue Helmke Leslie, Missy Knox Wulff, Craig Anderson

Top Row: Joan Sutcliffe, Missy Knox Wulff, Toni Tucker

Bottom Row: Sue Helmke Leslie, maybe Barb Billingsly, Judy Purvines

1967 Field Trip to Springfield, Illinois

Julie Lee, Debbie Rose, Toni Tucker, Sue Helmke, Judy Purvines, Mike Dobson, Missy Knox, Steve Hastings, Russ Visser, Ken Siverts, Bob Kay, Mark Burton

David Moon, Rhys Williams and Dan Fairman