Complex Analysis (G30)

Contact Information

Contact: Chris Bourne   cbourne [at], bourne.christopher.jack.x7 [at]

Office Hours: Tuesday 12:00–13:00, Thursday 14:00–15:00, or by appointment.
Location: Room 419, Humanities Common Facility Building (A4② on the Campus Map)
Extra time (not always guaranteed): Friday afternoon in Room 203 of the Mathematics Building.

Course Information

Registration code: 0063211

Time: Wednesday 10:30-12:00

Location: ILAS Building, Room C13

Syllabus: Link

Course outline: Link

Class Dates

October 4, 11, 18, 25 (earthquake disaster drill during lecture)
November 1, 8, 15, 17 (online tutorial, video) 22 (midterm), 29
December 6, 3, 20, 27 (online, video part 1, video part 2)
January 17, 24, 26 (online tutorial, video) 31

Exam Schedule:
Midterm: 22 November, Final: 31 January

Course Contents

Complete lecture summary notes.

Main Reference:

E. Freitag and R. Busam: Complex analysis. Second edition. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2009. ISBN 978-3-540-93982-5
The course aims to cover (at least) Chapters I-III from this text. A pdf can obtained via the Nagoya University Library or Springerlink directly.

Other References:

E. M. Stein, R. Shakarchi: Complex analysis. Princeton University Press, 2003.
S. Lang: Complex Analysis. Third edition. Springer-Verlag, 1993.
W. Fischer, I. Lieb: A Course in Complex Analysis: From Basic Results to Advanced Topics. Springer, 2012.


Deep Impact. NU-EMI Project.


Homework solutions have been removed.

Homework 1, HW1 Solution, HW1 Solution (corrected 🙃), Homework 2, HW2 Solution, Homework 3, HW3 Solution, Midterm exam, Midterm solutions, Homework 4, HW4 Solution, Homework 5, HW5 Solution, Final exam and solutions.

Notes from the online tutorial, 17 November. Notes from the online lecture, 27 December. Notes from online tutorial, 26 January.