Current Members

Kee-Hong Kim, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Showalter University Faculty Scholar

Department of Food Science

Department of Nutrition Science (by Courtesy)

Office: 2239 NLSN Building

Tel: (765) 296-2330

Email: keehong(at)purdue(dot)edu

Faculty Profile


Miran Jang, Ph.D. (2017-present)

Visiting Postdoctoral Researcher

Email: jang126(at)purdue(dot)edu

Sora Kim (2018-present)

Graduate Student

Email: kim2713(at)purdue(dot)edu

Yuan Zhang (2018-present)

Visiting Graduate Student

Email: zhan3449(at)purdue(dot)edu

Jaehyun Ju, Ph.D. (2019-present)

Visiting Postdoctoral Researcher

Email: ju32(at)purdue(dot)edu

Wangjun Wu, Ph.D. (2019-present)

Visiting Scientist

Email: wu1586(at)purdue(dot)edu