
  • Dr. Khalil IBRAHIMI was born in Kenitra, Morocco. He received his B.Sc. degree in Mathematical Sciences on September, 2003 and his Master Sc. degree in Engineering, Telecommunications and Multimedia on December, 2005, all from Faculty of Sciences of Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco.

  • In November 2009, he received his PhD degree in Computer Sciences from the University of Avignon and the Mohammed V University. In 2010, he is an assistant professor (ATER part-time) at the CERI/LIA of University of Avignon.

  • Since 2010 to 2015, hi is an Assistant Professor at IBN-TOFAIL University, Faculty of Sciences, LARIT laboratory, Morocco. Since 2015 to 2021 hi is an Associate Professor at the same university with MISC laboratory (Modeling of Information and Communication Systems) and his is respensible of Research Team (SMCS): Security and Modeling of Communication Systems. Actually, is Full Professor at the same university UIT with LaRI Lab.

  • Dr. Khalil IBRAHIMI research interests include in particular performance evaluation and resources allocation of next generation networks (3G, Beyond 3G and 4G), social network, underwater sensor network (UWSN), and cognitive radio.

  • Dr. Khalil IBRAHIMI was chair of RAWSN 2013, RAWSN 2016 workshops, chair registration and publications of WINCOM’15 , local chair of WINCOM'17, chair of NDNET'15 , general chair of WCOS'16 and he receives the best POSTER award from MSWIM 13 conference and the best PAPER award from the WINCOM'13 workshop. Also, he is served as reviewer of many international conferences (Globecom, ICC, MSWIM ...) and journals (CIT, IJCS ...)