
This page is dedicated to the Hyperplanes Intersection Simulated Annealing algorithm

for Maximum Weighted Score estimators (including Manski's maximum score estimator)!

Consult the paper with title "A hyperplanes intersection simulated annealing algorithm

for maximum score estimation."

You can download a standalone Windows 32 application computing Manski's maximum score estimator

with HISA and the source code in ANSI Fortran 77. Moreover, two more algorithms are implemented:

Firrst, Hyperplanes Intersection Local Search or HILS

Second, Hyperplanes Intersection Tabu Search or HITS

The Windows 32 applications are compatible with all 32bit versions of Windows (XP, VISTA, 7)

Note: The Windows 32 applications are linked to solve a literature example

of a work-trip mode choice application from Horowitz (1993).

Note2: Linux x86_64 applications are also offered.

With minimal modifications, changing the particular dataset solved and

the random initialization of every algorithm, a user with a Fortran compiler (e.g. gfortran or ifort)

may easily re-compile the codes and run his/her own dataset.

Prefered citation: K. Florios, 2018, A hyperplanes intersection simulated annealing algorithm

for maximum score estimation, Econometrics and Statistics 8 37-55.