Water tasting

For conference presentation:

Slides as Google Slide

Slides as PDF

For tasting:


Instructions for getting waters and running tasting

Proposal and consent form for pilot study, second round, and third round

Key for randomizing water setups (available upon request)

Handout for revealing setup of waters (available upon request)

Layout sheet for triangle tests (print on A4 paper)

Layout sheet for set of five water (print on A4 paper)

Longer questionnaire used for pilot study and shorter one used for subsequent rounds

Additional handout used in pilot study


Slides for introduction to water-tasting lab


Slides for the conclusion of water-tasting lab


Clip of training video (Water tasting of VOSS vs. Iskilde vs. Vichy Catalan) and full version

Another example of a water tasting (FIJI vs. 9OH2O vs. Iskilde vs. Vichy Catalan)

"Water sommelier" visits Conan O'Brien on his late-night talk show (Part 1 of 2)

"Water sommelier" visits Conan O'Brien on his late-night talk show (Part 2 of 2)