
Kevin W. Capehart is currently an Associate Professor of Economics at California State University, Fresno. He graduated Phi Beta Kappa from a small liberal arts college, earned his Ph.D. in economics from American University in Washington, DC, and previously taught at The American University of Paris. His research has been published in mainstream generalist economic journals (including Economic Inquiry and The American Economist), heterodox economic journals (including The Journal of Post Keynesian Economics and The International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education), other specialist economic journals (including The Journal of Wine Economics), and journals dedicated to other disciplines besides economics (including Physica A: Statistical Mechanics & Its Applications). The topics on which he has published include the wealth of the wealthy, the cyclicality of top incomes, the elasticity of Oprah Winfrey's labor supply, the fragility of Donald Trump's financing, the price of bottled water, the quantity theory of hairpins, the peanut multiplier theory of income determination, the epiphenomenal rate of unemployment, and the psychology of central bankers. Kevin's areas of interest for teaching are as broad as his areas of interest for research.


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