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March 14th 2022 - Elaine Brown joins the lab as our new full time technician in our BBSRC grant

October 1st 2021 - Deepti Negi joins the lab as a new NERC dtp student

August 2021- The lab wins a new BBSRC responsive mode grant for the next four years! We will develop sticklebacks as a new model for metabolic syndrome

March 11th 2019 - Natalie wins the SULSA Early Career Researcher award! She will be heading to Aberdeen soon to start her own lab

Dec 2020- Kirsty successfully handles her viva with minor corrections!

Feb 5th 2019- Calum successfully handles his viva with minor corrections!

May 1st 2018 - our advert for a new postdoc position on geothermal sticklebacks goes live:

April 28th 2018 - new paper on modularity in zebrafish is published in Proc B, great effort across oceans and between labs:

May 2nd, 2017 - Shaun Robertson joins us as a postdoc on our Highlight Topics grant to examine the genetic and epigenetic basis of adaptations in sticklebacks

April 13th, 2017- a belated welcome to Amelie who joins us as a Marie Curie postdoc to investigate lab-simulated fisheries-induced evolution with Shaun Killen and Jan Lindstrom

April 3rd, 2017- Calum receives a “commendation” for his talk at the 2017 Scottish Ecology, Environment and Conservation Conference held in Aberdeen- great!

March 27th, 2017 - Just back from our last field trip in Iceland collecting sticklebacks (see pics on Natalie's twitter #icicklebacks hashtag)

March 10th, 2017 - Natalie receives a Godfrey Hewitt Mobility Award from the European Society of Evolutionary Biology - well done!

March 2nd, 2017 - As part of his visit to the lab Bjarni K. Kristjansson provides the fish biology group with a very interesting talk about the extended phenotype

Jan 12th, 2017 - Kevin visits the Khila lab in Lyon France to lavish in fine food and evo-devo discussions

Nov 23rd, 2016 - Kevin visits Oxford Brookes to talk about the lab's recent research

Sept 12th 2016 - Welcome to Joey Humble who joins us to work as a technician on our NERC funded stickleback grant

August 9th 2016 - A big welcome to Natalie Pilakouta who joins the lab as a postdoc to work on our NERC funded stickleback grant!

May 10th, 2016 - Job advert for technician position on our NERC grant goes live - see ref#013153

April 25th, 2016- Job advert goes live for the first postdoc of our new NERC grant - see reference #013068

April 24th, 2016 - Davide presents his ongoing PhD project on fisheries induced evolution which will explore the impact catchability on the evolution of strains of wild-derived zebrafish

April 23rd, 2016 - Calum Campbell presents some of his results from temperature rearing experiments at the Scottish Freshwater Group meeting at SCENE

April 12th, 2016 - a major grant has been awarded to the lab by NERC through its Highlight Topics scheme. This project will run for the next four years and explore the genetic, epigenetic, and plastic responses of stickleback populations living in geothermal spring areas.

April 1st, 2016 - Kirsty talks about her ongoing PhD project within our department combining techniques from engineering to answer evolutionary questions about sexual dimorphism with Malawi cichlid as her model organism