Before contacting our booking secretary, please check our calendar for centre availability.
Once you have chosen your weekend, please contact our booking secretary. Please do not contact anyone else for booking information, as the booking secretary is the only person with a complete up-to-date listing.
He can advise of current rates and will be able to offer an immediate booking.
Mr Steve Swales
16 Allerston Way, GUISBOROUGH, TS14 6GA
01287 619607 (before 9.00pm PLEASE!)
Site visits are normally arranged for Sunday mornings, please make arrangements through the Booking Secretary.
Booking periods run from 1st April to 31st March each year, but bookings for each period are taken from October of the previous year.
Bookings are for the whole site so you can plan programmes as you wish.
Booking confirmations will be sent, along with an Acceptance Form. This must be returned within 14 days, along with a non-returnable deposit, to the Booking Secretary to secure the booking.