Personal Data:

Name: Kertész Gergely, PhD

Nationality: Hungarian 

Self-employed trainer and coach

Former Research Associate at the ELKH Institute of Philosophy 

Honorary Fellow in the Department of Philosophy, Durham University 


2013 - 2019 Department of Philosophy, Durham University (PhD, viva passed without corrections)

2000 – 2006 Institute of Philosophy, Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Budapest (degree: M.A. in Philosophy, with distinction)

1998 – 2004 Faculty of Hungarian Language and Literature, Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences, Budapest (completed without degree)

1996 – 1998 Informatics, Kandó Kálmán Academy of Technology, Budapest (certificate: OKJ 54 46 41 04)


2016-2017 Jacobsen Studentship from the Royal Institute of Philosophy 

2013-2016 PhD-Scholarship, Durham University, Philosophy Department

Other professional experience:

Hamburg Summer School on Contrastivism: Metaphysics, Epistemology, and Philosophy of Language led by Jonathan Schaffer, University of Hamburg, Germany, 18-22 July 2016

Emergence Summer School, Hatfield College, Durham University, Uk, 9-12 July 2015

Summer School on Emergence, Hatfield College, Durham University, (Contribution: a module on the exclusion argument), UK, 21-25 July 2014

Summer School on Argumentation in Context, International Institute for Argumentation Studies Amsterdam, July 5-9, 2010

Participation in HIPST (History and Philosophy in Science Teaching) project, an EU fund research project. (Contribution: a high-school module in biology, developed and tested in cooperation with high-school teachers.) (2009-2010)

Summer School on Complex Systems and Social Simulations, CEU SUN 2008. July 7-18

Visiting student at the Central Europian University, Philosophy Department in 2007

2006-2008 Member of Erasmus College, Budapest (Research topic: The role of metaphors in scientific thinking, member of: Language, linguistic popularization, philosophy of language research group) 

Organized events:

Symposium: How is Reduction achieved? At: 23-26. September 2015, EPSA15 conference, Heinrich Heine University Dusseldorf, Germany 

with Daniel Paksi: IV. Budapest Workshop on Emergence. (in Hungarian), 14 december 2012, Budapest University of Technology, HPS Department 

Academic teaching experience, courses taught (in English): 

Knowledge and Reality (intro into epistemology and philosophy of mind)

2015 spring semester (Epiphany term), Philosophy Department, Durham University

2014 fall semester (Michaelmas term), Philosophy Department, Durham University

Academic teaching experience, courses taught (in Hungarian):

Philosophy of Mind 

2017,  2018,  2019 fall semester (seminar), Department of Cognitive Science, Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Philosophy of Biology

2008 fall semester (seminar), Eötvös College, Budapest (for college members)

2013 spring semester (seminar), College for Advanced Studies in Social Theory, Budapest (for college members)

Philosophy of Science

(together with Zoltan Sallay) 2013 spring semester (Seminar), Rajk László College for Advanced Studies, Budapest (for college members)

History of Philosophy

2007 spring semester (lecture), Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Philosophy and History of Science


2008 fall semester - 2012 fall semester (lecture), Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Philosophy and History of Science

2011 fall semester (seminar) Illyés Sándor College, Budapest (for college members),

2012 fall semester (seminar) Saint Ignatius Jesuit College, Budapest (for college members)


2007 fall semester - 2012 (lecture) fall semester, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Philosophy and History of Science & Eötvös Loránd University, Department of History and Philosophy of Science

Evolution and Culture

2007 spring semester - 2007 fall semester (lecture), Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Science, Department of History and Philosophy of Science

Culture and Cultures

2011, 2012 spring semester (lecture), Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Philosophy and History of Science


2005 fall semester - 2006 spring semester (seminar), Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Media and Communication Department


Teaching related training courses completed:

2016 Choice training, Olde Vechte Fundation, Ommen, Netherlands, 9th - 13th July

2016 Humanistic Coaching training, Budapest, 22-24 March

2016 Event wise training, Olde Vechte Fundation, Ommen, Netherlands, 6-12 February

2015 Practicing Coaching training, Olde Vechte Fundation, Ommen, Netherlands, 15-21 November

Work and Positions:

2018- Self-employed trainer and coach

2019-2023 Research Associate at the Institute of Philosophy the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

2016-2018 Trainer and coach at Barra Communication Institute

2014-2015 Tutor in philosophy at the Department of Philosophy, Durham University

2013 Freelancer teacher and writer

2010-2013 Research assistant, Department of Philosophy and History of Science, Budapest University of Technology

2009-2010 HIPST (History and Philosophy in Science Teaching) EU project fellow

2006-2009 Maker and editor of the webpage of The Michael Polanyi Liberal Philosophical Association and of the periodical Polanyiana. Freelancer web-designer

2004-2005 Maker, editor and proofreader of the new webpage of Hungarian Philosophical Review, Freelancer web-designer

2001-2004 program organizer in Postás Cultural Center

1998 Philos Laboratories, software designer (participated in the making of the strategy game: Theocracy)

1996-1997 Industrial alpinist 


English – fluent

German – basic

Hungarian - native