
Some sites and people that you might find helpful if you are interested in storytelling.

The Society for Storytelling. This is a UK wide organisation promoting storytelling as an oral art form in the UK. If you are looking for a local storytelling event, a local teller, a teller with particular skills, books and resources then its all here.

The Scottish Storytelling Centre. Our Scottish friends are way ahead of us here with a beautiful centre on the Royal Mile in Edinburgh and an excellent range of events, training courses and materials.

Sarah Rundle. One of Britain's brightest and best storytellers and a christian to boot. (She is also young, attractive and single, she asks me to point out.)

Story At Work. An american site devoted to storytelling in an organisational context. Contains and extensive resource section. Lots of interesting material.

From Why we yell stories 2.

And the old man spoke into the darkness, and told God of all the peoples troubles. And God heard..........................